Definition of Activeness

1. Noun. The state of being active. "He is out of action"

Exact synonyms: Action, Activity
Generic synonyms: State
Specialized synonyms: Agency, Busyness, Hum, Behavior, Behaviour, Eructation, Eruption, Extravasation, Operation, Overdrive, Play, Swing
Attributes: Active
Derivative terms: Act, Act, Active, Active, Active, Active, Active, Active, Active, Active, Active, Active, Active
Antonyms: Inaction, Inactiveness, Inactivity

2. Noun. The trait of being active; moving or acting rapidly and energetically. "The level of activity declines with age"
Exact synonyms: Activity
Generic synonyms: Trait
Specialized synonyms: Animation, Brio, Invigoration, Spiritedness, Vivification, Dynamism, Oomph, Pizzaz, Pizzazz, Zing
Attributes: Active, Inactive, Active
Derivative terms: Active, Active, Active, Active, Active
Antonyms: Inactiveness

Definition of Activeness

1. n. The quality of being active; nimbleness; quickness of motion; activity.

Definition of Activeness

1. Noun. The state or quality of being active. ¹

¹ Source:

Definition of Activeness

1. [n -ES]

Lexicographical Neighbors of Activeness

active pyruvate
active repressor
active site
active splint
active succinate
active sulfate
active transport
active treatment
active trust
active vasoconstriction
active vasodilation
active vocabulary
active voice
active volcano
activist judge
activist judges
activist justice
activist justices

Literary usage of Activeness

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Surgery, Gynecology & Obstetrics by The American College of Surgeons, Franklin H. Martin Memorial Foundation (1922)
"The capacity of the colloid for taking stain is nevertheless, in a general way, in a reversed relation to its physiological activeness. 5. ..."

2. The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah by Alfred Edersheim (1883)
"... Christ's sense of God-forsakenness in the supreme moment of the Cross; if one might so word it—the passiveness of His activeness through the activeness ..."

3. The Works of President Edwards by Jonathan Edwards, David Brainerd (1830)
"But he was to have the reward on account of his activeness in obedience ; not on account merely of his not having done ill, but on account of his doing well ..."

4. The Works of President Edwards by Jonathan Edwards, David Brainerd (1830)
"The word Passion, when set in opposition to Action, or rather Activeness, is merely a relative; it signifies no effect or cause, nor any proper existence; ..."

5. The Works of President Edwards: With a Memoir of His Life by Jonathan Edwards, Sereno Edwards Dwight (1829)
"The word Passion, when set in opposition to Action, or rather Activeness, is merely a relative; it signifies no effect or cause, nor any proper existence; ..."

6. An Inquiry Into the Modern Prevailing Notions Respecting that Freedom of by Jonathan Edwards (1840)
"The word passion, when set in opposition to action, or rather activeness, is merely a relative : it signifies no effect or cause, nor any proper existence; ..."

7. Letters of Rachel, Lady Russell by Rachel Russel (1853)
"Sir Francis ; which are, that he is an understanding 1690. honest gentleman ; and has almost exceeded any in this country in his zeal and activeness towards ..."

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