Definition of Blandness

1. Noun. The trait of exhibiting no personal embarrassment or concern. "The blandness of his confession enraged the judge"

Generic synonyms: Emotionlessness, Unemotionality
Derivative terms: Bland

2. Noun. Lacking any distinctive or interesting taste property.
Exact synonyms: Insipidity, Insipidness
Generic synonyms: Unappetisingness, Unappetizingness
Derivative terms: Bland, Insipid, Insipid

3. Noun. The quality of being bland and gracious or ingratiating in manner.
Exact synonyms: Smoothness, Suaveness, Suavity
Generic synonyms: Graciousness
Derivative terms: Bland, Smooth, Suave, Suave, Suave

Definition of Blandness

1. n. The state or quality of being bland.

Definition of Blandness

1. Noun. The state, quality, or characteristic of being bland. ¹

¹ Source:

Definition of Blandness

1. [n -ES]

Lexicographical Neighbors of Blandness

blank canvas
blank canvases
blank check
blank check company
blank checks
blank cheque
blank cheques
blank end
blank ends

Literary usage of Blandness

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Sermons and Discourses by Thomas Chalmers (1846)
"... apostolic simplicity notwithstanding—pure as in the season of our most dark and trying ordeals—equally pure in the sunshine of blandness and cordiality, ..."

2. On the Manners and Customs of the Ancient Irish by Eugene O'Curry (1873)
"... blandness, valour, In the south, in the south of Erinn are found ; It so shall be to the end of time With the illustrious race of ..."

3. The Year-book of Facts in Science and Art by John Timbs (1856)
"A possible use which appears worthy of experiment is to inject it into the bladder for the purpose of dissolving calculous deposits: from its blandness it ..."

4. Buffalo Medical Journal (1905)
"... the possible presence of alum, alkalies or water, which render them still less desirable. Because of its blandness, pliability and freedom from sticki- ..."

5. The Boy Travellers on the Congo: Adventures of Two Youths in a Journey with by Thomas Wallace Knox, Henry Morton Stanley (1888)
"... thus encouraged to perform the spokesman's duty, hesitates exactly two seconds, and then ventures with diplomatic blandness and graci- ..."

6. Sermons and Discourses by Thomas Chalmers (1846)
"... apostolic simplicity notwithstanding—pure as in the season of our most dark and trying ordeals—equally pure in the sunshine of blandness and cordiality, ..."

7. On the Manners and Customs of the Ancient Irish by Eugene O'Curry (1873)
"... blandness, valour, In the south, in the south of Erinn are found ; It so shall be to the end of time With the illustrious race of ..."

8. The Year-book of Facts in Science and Art by John Timbs (1856)
"A possible use which appears worthy of experiment is to inject it into the bladder for the purpose of dissolving calculous deposits: from its blandness it ..."

9. Buffalo Medical Journal (1905)
"... the possible presence of alum, alkalies or water, which render them still less desirable. Because of its blandness, pliability and freedom from sticki- ..."

10. The Boy Travellers on the Congo: Adventures of Two Youths in a Journey with by Thomas Wallace Knox, Henry Morton Stanley (1888)
"... thus encouraged to perform the spokesman's duty, hesitates exactly two seconds, and then ventures with diplomatic blandness and graci- ..."

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