Definition of Intestine

1. Noun. The part of the alimentary canal between the stomach and the anus.

Exact synonyms: Bowel, Gut
Generic synonyms: Internal Organ, Viscus
Terms within: Hindgut
Specialized synonyms: Small Intestine, Large Intestine
Group relationships: Abdomen, Belly, Stomach, Venter
Derivative terms: Gut, Intestinal

Definition of Intestine

1. a. Internal; inward; -- opposed to external.

2. n. That part of the alimentary canal between the stomach and the anus. See Illust. of Digestive apparatus.

Definition of Intestine

1. Noun. (context: anatomy often pluralized) The alimentary canal of an animal through which food passes after having passed all stomachs. ¹

2. Noun. One of certain subdivisions of this part of the alimentary canal, such as the small or large intestine in human beings. ¹

3. Adjective. Domestic; taking place within a given country or region. ¹

4. Adjective. (obsolete) Internal. ¹

¹ Source:

Definition of Intestine

1. [n -S]

Medical Definition of Intestine

1. This is a general term often used to describe both the small and large intestine. (27 Sep 1997)

Lexicographical Neighbors of Intestine

intestinal myiasis
intestinal obstruction
intestinal perforation
intestinal polyps
intestinal pseudo-obstruction
intestinal rotation
intestinal sand
intestinal schistosomiasis
intestinal stasis
intestinal steatorrhoea
intestinal surface of uterus
intestinal tract
intestinal trunks
intestinal villi
intestinum caecum
intestinum ileum
intestinum jejunum
intestinum rectum
intestinum tenue
intestinum tenue mesenteriale

Literary usage of Intestine

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. An Introduction to Entomology by John Henry Comstock (1920)
"When the fore-intestine projects into the mid- intestine, as shown in Figure 128, the folded end of the fore-intestine is termed the ..."

2. Anatomy, Descriptive and Surgical by Henry Gray (1901)
"THE LA ROE Intestine. Vessels and Nerves.—The jejunum and ileum are supplied by the superior mesenterio artery, the branches of which, having reached the ..."

3. A Text Book of Physiology by Michael Foster (1893)
"These glands of Brunner when traced back to the stomach are found to pass gradually into the pyloric glands ; traced along the intestine they soon disappear ..."

4. Medical lexicon by Robley Dunglison (1860)
"Abdominal hernia, which contains only a portion of intestine, is so called. ... and gangrenous state of the 'ining membrane of the largo intestine. ..."

5. The American Journal of the Medical Sciences by Southern Society for Clinical Investigation (U.S.) (1907)
"Volvulus of the Small Intestine and of the Initial Portion of the Large Intestine.—GUIDE (Revue de chirurgie, 1907, xxvii, 91) says that cases of volvulus ..."

6. A Text-book of physiology: For Medical Students and Physicians by William Henry Howell (1905)
"Examination of the contents of the small intestine at its junction with the large ... The process is continued in the large intestine, modified somewhat by ..."

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