Definition of Mouthpiece

1. Noun. A part that goes over or into the mouth of a person. "The mouthpiece of a respirator"

Generic synonyms: Aperture
Group relationships: Inhalator, Respirator

2. Noun. An acoustic device; the part of a telephone into which a person speaks.
Generic synonyms: Acoustic Device
Group relationships: Phone, Telephone, Telephone Set

3. Noun. A spokesperson (as a lawyer).
Exact synonyms: Mouth
Language type: Colloquialism
Generic synonyms: Interpreter, Representative, Spokesperson, Voice
Derivative terms: Mouth

4. Noun. (especially boxing) equipment that protects an athlete's mouth.
Exact synonyms: Gumshield
Category relationships: Boxing, Fisticuffs, Pugilism
Generic synonyms: Sports Equipment

5. Noun. The tube of a pipe or cigarette holder that a smoker holds in the mouth.
Group relationships: Cigarette Holder, Pipe, Tobacco Pipe
Generic synonyms: Tube, Tubing

6. Noun. The aperture of a wind instrument into which the player blows directly.
Exact synonyms: Embouchure
Generic synonyms: Aperture
Group relationships: Wind, Wind Instrument

Definition of Mouthpiece

1. n. The part of a musical or other instrument to which the mouth is applied in using it; as, the mouthpiece of a bugle, or of a tobacco pipe.

Definition of Mouthpiece

1. Noun. A part of any device that functions in or near the mouth, especially of a telephone or musical instrument ¹

2. Noun. A spokesman who speaks on behalf of someone else ¹

3. Noun. (slang) A lawyer for the defense ¹

¹ Source:

Definition of Mouthpiece

1. [n -S]

Lexicographical Neighbors of Mouthpiece

mouthing off
mouths off
mouton enragé

Literary usage of Mouthpiece

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Gaseous Exchange and Physiological Requirements for Level and Grade Walking by Henry Monmouth Smith (1922)
"If breathing through a mouthpiece is abnormal, the value of these studies ... In the ordinary technique the mouthpiece is usually inserted about two minutes ..."

2. A Comparison of Methods for Determining the Respiratory Exchange of Man by Thorne Martin Carpenter (1915)
"In first period with mouthpiece, subject asleep at beginning and drowsy throughout period; similar conditions in second period with nosepieces; ..."

3. A Manual of the Steam Engine and Other Prime Movers by William John Macquorn Rankine, William J. Millar (1878)
"When the dead plate forms the bottom of a cast iron mouthpiece, it is useful to make the roof of that mouthpiece slope downwards towards the furnace at the ..."

4. A Treatise on Hydraulics by Henry Taylor Bovey (1895)
"If, however, the sectional areas of the mouthpiece at the point of discharge and at the throat are in the ratio of A to a, as given by eq. ..."

5. Encyclopaedia Britannica, a Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, Literature and edited by Hugh Chisholm (1910)
"Loret calls the double bulb the beak mouthpiece of the instrument, ... The end of the pipe, The beak-shaped mouthpiece of a pip« found at Pompeii (fig. ..."

6. The U. S. Coal Industry, 1970-1990: Two Decades of Change (1994)
"Single-hose scuba, with the second stage of the demand regulator mask mounted or mouthpiece mounted, does not require the large-bore, ambient pressure ..."

7. Gaseous Exchange and Physiological Requirements for Level and Grade Walking by Henry Monmouth Smith (1922)
"If breathing through a mouthpiece is abnormal, the value of these studies ... In the ordinary technique the mouthpiece is usually inserted about two minutes ..."

8. A Comparison of Methods for Determining the Respiratory Exchange of Man by Thorne Martin Carpenter (1915)
"In first period with mouthpiece, subject asleep at beginning and drowsy throughout period; similar conditions in second period with nosepieces; ..."

9. A Manual of the Steam Engine and Other Prime Movers by William John Macquorn Rankine, William J. Millar (1878)
"When the dead plate forms the bottom of a cast iron mouthpiece, it is useful to make the roof of that mouthpiece slope downwards towards the furnace at the ..."

10. A Treatise on Hydraulics by Henry Taylor Bovey (1895)
"If, however, the sectional areas of the mouthpiece at the point of discharge and at the throat are in the ratio of A to a, as given by eq. ..."

11. Encyclopaedia Britannica, a Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, Literature and edited by Hugh Chisholm (1910)
"Loret calls the double bulb the beak mouthpiece of the instrument, ... The end of the pipe, The beak-shaped mouthpiece of a pip« found at Pompeii (fig. ..."

12. The U. S. Coal Industry, 1970-1990: Two Decades of Change (1994)
"Single-hose scuba, with the second stage of the demand regulator mask mounted or mouthpiece mounted, does not require the large-bore, ambient pressure ..."

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