Definition of Rotatable

1. Adjective. Capable of being rotated. "The theater had a rotatable stage"

Similar to: Mobile

Definition of Rotatable

1. Adjective. having the ability to rotate ¹

¹ Source:

Definition of Rotatable

1. [adj]

Lexicographical Neighbors of Rotatable

rotary dial
rotary engine
rotary engines
rotary evaporator
rotary joint
rotary motion
rotary phone
rotary phones
rotary press
rotary printing press
rotary subluxation of scaphoid
rotary wing
rotating anode
rotating anode tube
rotating mechanism
rotating shaft
rotation flap
rotation period
rotation therapy

Literary usage of Rotatable

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Science by American Association for the Advancement of Science (1883)
"... coupled—so that it's conveniently located on both sides, for either left or right-hand operation. And the entire head is easily rotatable through 360°. ..."

2. The Evolution of Automatic Machinery: As Applied to the Manufacture of by Edward A. Marsh (1896)
"... different cutter spindles in a single rotatable block or head, so that the several cutters could be brought into operative position as required. ..."

3. The Evolution of Automatic Machinery: As Applied to the Manufacture of by Edward A. Marsh (1896)
"... different cutter spindles in a single rotatable block or head, so that the several cutters could be brought into operative position as required. ..."

4. Supreme Court Reporter by Robert Desty, United States Supreme Court, West Publishing Company (1903)
"He says: "Each of the rotatable spindles is formed with a flat forward extension in the form of a skeleton frame made up of two transverse members and two ..."

5. United States Supreme Court Reports by Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company, United States Supreme Court (1903)
"A series of rotatable horizontal hollow spindles are mounted in suitable bearings in the rear and intermediate members of the frame, and are provided with ..."

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