Definition of Sandpaper

1. Noun. Stiff paper coated with powdered emery or sand.

Exact synonyms: Emery Paper
Terms within: Emery
Generic synonyms: Abradant, Abrasive, Abrasive Material
Derivative terms: Sandpapery

2. Verb. Rub with sandpaper. "Sandpaper the wooden surface"
Exact synonyms: Sand
Generic synonyms: Smooth, Smoothen
Specialized synonyms: Rough-sand
Derivative terms: Sander

Definition of Sandpaper

1. n. Paper covered on one side with sand glued fast, -- used for smoothing and polishing.

2. v. t. To smooth or polish with sandpaper; as, to sandpaper a door.

Definition of Sandpaper

1. Noun. a strong paper coated with sand or other abrasive material for smoothing and polishing. ¹

2. Noun. a sheet of such paper ¹

3. Verb. (transitive) To polish or grind (a surface) with or as if with sandpaper. ¹

¹ Source:

Definition of Sandpaper

1. [v -ED, -ING, -S]

Lexicographical Neighbors of Sandpaper

sandpaper disks
sandpaper gallbladder

Literary usage of Sandpaper

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. A Treatise on Etching by Maxime Lalanne (1880)
"Sandpaper. — As regards other mechanical means, be distrustful of tints obtained by rubbing the copper with sandpaper; these tints generally show in the ..."

2. Teachers College Record by Columbia University. Teachers College (1900)
"... following general tools and supplies retails at $750: saw, oil-stone, 2 honing strops, 6 auger bit gimlets, hatchet, oil can, and 2 quires of sandpaper. ..."

3. The Painter, Gilder, and Varnisher's Companion: Containing Rules and (1867)
"When the wood-work of a carriage comes into the shop, examine it closely, and if the grain has raised in any place, or it wants smoothing with sandpaper, ..."

4. The Second Power Kink Book: A Collection of Short Articles from Power in (1918)
"Sandpaper REPLACES PULLEY KEY The key on the drive pulley of a crusher sheared off and an immediate repair was necessary. As a temporary expedient, ..."

5. Problems of the Finishing Room: A Reference and Formula Manual for Furniture by Walter Karl Schmidt (1916)
"... an absolutely square piece of cork, is common. About this is placed the paper that is used. It might be well to state that sandpaper should not be torn. ..."

6. ...Elements of Woodwork by Charles Albert King (1911)
"CHAPTER V GLUE AND Sandpaper 65. Different kinds of glue. — (A.) Wood-workers use both liquid and sheet or stick glue, but as the former requires little ..."

7. Essentials of Woodworking: A Textbook for Schools by Ira Samuel Griffith (1908)
"Dry varnish comes off in sanding as a white powder; if not dry it will come off on the sandpaper as little black spots. 159. ..."

8. A Treatise on Etching by Maxime Lalanne (1880)
"Sandpaper. — As regards other mechanical means, be distrustful of tints obtained by rubbing the copper with sandpaper; these tints generally show in the ..."

9. Teachers College Record by Columbia University. Teachers College (1900)
"... following general tools and supplies retails at $750: saw, oil-stone, 2 honing strops, 6 auger bit gimlets, hatchet, oil can, and 2 quires of sandpaper. ..."

10. The Painter, Gilder, and Varnisher's Companion: Containing Rules and (1867)
"When the wood-work of a carriage comes into the shop, examine it closely, and if the grain has raised in any place, or it wants smoothing with sandpaper, ..."

11. The Second Power Kink Book: A Collection of Short Articles from Power in (1918)
"Sandpaper REPLACES PULLEY KEY The key on the drive pulley of a crusher sheared off and an immediate repair was necessary. As a temporary expedient, ..."

12. Problems of the Finishing Room: A Reference and Formula Manual for Furniture by Walter Karl Schmidt (1916)
"... an absolutely square piece of cork, is common. About this is placed the paper that is used. It might be well to state that sandpaper should not be torn. ..."

13. ...Elements of Woodwork by Charles Albert King (1911)
"CHAPTER V GLUE AND Sandpaper 65. Different kinds of glue. — (A.) Wood-workers use both liquid and sheet or stick glue, but as the former requires little ..."

14. Essentials of Woodworking: A Textbook for Schools by Ira Samuel Griffith (1908)
"Dry varnish comes off in sanding as a white powder; if not dry it will come off on the sandpaper as little black spots. 159. ..."

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