Definition of Sodomite

1. Noun. Someone who engages in anal copulation (especially a male who engages in anal copulation with another male).

Exact synonyms: Bugger, Sod, Sodomist
Generic synonyms: Degenerate, Deviant, Deviate, Pervert
Derivative terms: Bugger, Sodomy

Definition of Sodomite

1. n. An inhabitant of Sodom.

Definition of Sodomite

1. Proper noun. An inhabitant of Sodom, or (by extension) a descendant of one. ¹

2. Noun. One who practices sodomy; a sodomist. ¹

3. Noun. (derogatory) A male homosexual. ¹

¹ Source:

Definition of Sodomite

1. one who practices sodomy [n -S] - See also: sodomy

Lexicographical Neighbors of Sodomite

sodium tripolyphosphate
sodium tungstoborate
sodium vapor lamp
sodium vapour lamp

Literary usage of Sodomite

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. The Sacred Books and Early Literature of the East, with Historical Surveys by Charles F Horne (1917)
"said Eleazer to the Sodomite; " shame upon thee to act in this manner toward a ... When the Sodomite saw the blood, he caught hold of Eleazer, crying, ..."

2. The Sacred Books and Early Literature of the East: With Historical Surveys by Charles Francis Horne (1917)
"said Eleazer to the Sodomite; " shame upon thee to act in this mann«r toward a ... When the Sodomite saw the blood, he caught hold of Eleazer, crying, ..."

3. The Philosophic and Scientific Ultimatum: Written in the Constitution and by W. A. Allibaco (1864)
"And by sodomite priests, we only mean those priests who teach the ... Could you not, for such a miraculous display of the power and glory of your sodomite ..."

4. The Popular and Critical Bible Encyclopædia and Scriptural Dictionary, Fully by Samuel Fallows, Andrew Constantinides Zenos, Herbert Lockwood Willett (1910)
"Sodomite (s6d'om-ite), (Heb. HR, kaw- dashe' , devoted, consecrated ), not inhabitants of Sodom, but men devoted to the unnatural vice of Sodom (Gen. xix:5) ..."

5. A Treatise on Crimes and Misdemeanors. by William Oldnall Russell, Charles Sprengel Greaves (1843)
"Money was obtained by calling a man a sodomite and threatening him, but the money was parted with by the prosecutor, not so much from fear of losing his ..."

6. A Treatise on Crimes and Indictable Misdemeanors by William Oldnall Russell (1828)
"Money was obtained by calling a man a sodomite and threatening him, but the money was parted with by the prosecutor, not so much from fear of losing his ..."

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