Medical Definition of Accessory lacrimal glands

1. Small, compound, branched, tubular glands located in the middle part of the lid (Wolfring's glands, 1872, or Ciaccio's glands, 1874) and along the superior and inferior fornices of the conjunctival sac (Krause's glands, 1854). These accessory glands are just scattered scraps of lacrimal gland tissue; all of them produce the same kind of tears and debouch on to the conjunctival surface. Henle's and Baumgarten's "glands" are in fact not glands at all, but mere epithelial invaginations. Synonym: glandulae lacrimales accessoriae. (05 Mar 2000)

Lexicographical Neighbors of Accessory Lacrimal Glands

accessory cephalic vein
accessory chromosome
accessory cloud
accessory clouds
accessory cramp
accessory cuneate nucleus
accessory during the fact
accessory equipment
accessory flexor muscle of foot
accessory flower part
accessory fruit
accessory fruits
accessory gland
accessory hemiazygos vein
accessory hemiazygous vein
accessory ligaments
accessory meningeal branch of middle meningeal artery
accessory mineral
accessory minerals
accessory molecules
accessory nasal cartilages
accessory nerve
accessory nerve lymph nodes
accessory nerve trunk
accessory nerves
accessory olivary nuclei
accessory organs
accessory organs of the eye

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