Medical Definition of Bacterial endospore

1. A dormant body which certain Gram-positive bacteria can develop within them under conditions of stress (like lack of nutrients), which is highly resistant to harsh environmental conditions and which can develop into a new, live bacterium once conditions are good again. (09 Oct 1997)

Lexicographical Neighbors of Bacterial Endospore

bacterial adhesion
bacterial allergy
bacterial antagonism
bacterial capsule
bacterial capsules
bacterial cast
bacterial chemotaxis
bacterial conjunctivitis
bacterial cystitis
bacterial encephalitis
bacterial endarteritis
bacterial endocarditis
bacterial endospore (current term)
bacterial flagella
bacterial flora
bacterial food poisoning
bacterial growth
bacterial infection
bacterial infections
bacterial infections and mycoses
bacterial interference
bacterial meningitides
bacterial meningitis
bacterial outer membrane proteins
bacterial peliosis
bacterial pericarditis
bacterial physiology

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