Definition of Buttermilks

1. Noun. (plural of buttermilk) ¹

¹ Source:

Definition of Buttermilks

1. buttermilk [n] - See also: buttermilk

Literary usage of Buttermilks

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. The Medical Clinics of North America by Richard J. Havel, K. Patrick Ober (1917)
"In some cases buttermilks are valuable, but not in the cases with hyperacidity or gastric atony. ..."

2. Diseases of Infancy and Childhood: Their Dietetic, Hygienic, and Medical by Louis Fischer (1917)
"Soft-rubber Rectal Tube for Irrigating the Colon. fermented milks and buttermilks loosen the bowels. One or 2 ounce? of fermented milks mav be given; ..."

3. Outlines of Dairy Bacteriology: A Concise Manual for the Use of Students in by Harry Luman Russell, Edwin George Hastings (1920)
"The preparation of the pure culture buttermilks or artificially soured milks, that are now so frequently recommended for digestive troubles, rests upon an ..."

4. The Diseases of infancy and childhood by Henry Koplik (1918)
"It is an uncertain food to use, as some buttermilks are distinctly dangerous and their preparation has not yet been so perfected that we can avoid this ..."

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