Medical Definition of Canalis gastricus

1. Furrow formed temporarily between longitudinal rugae of the gastric mucosa along the lesser curvature during swallowing; observed radiographically and endoscopically, it is formed because of the firm attachment of the gastric mucosa to the muscular layer, which is devoid of an oblique layer at this site; said to form a passageway favoured by saliva and small quantities of masticated food and other fluids as they flow from cardia to gastroduodenal junction. Synonym: canalis gastricus, canalis gastrici, magenstrasse. (05 Mar 2000)

Lexicographical Neighbors of Canalis Gastricus

canaliculus reuniens
canaliculus tympanicus
canalis adductorius
canalis analis
canalis caroticus
canalis carpi
canalis centralis medullae spinalis
canalis condylaris
canalis femoralis
canalis gastrici
canalis gastricus (current term)
canalis hyaloideus
canalis hypoglossalis
canalis incisivus
canalis infraorbitalis
canalis mandibulae
canalis musculotubarius
canalis nasolacrimalis
canalis nervi facialis
canalis nervi petrosi superficialis minoris
canalis nutricius
canalis obturatorius
canalis opticus
canalis palatinus major

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