Medical Definition of Carotid sheath

1. The dense fibrous investment of the carotid artery, internal jugular vein, and vagus nerve on each side of the neck, deep to the sternocleidomastoid muscle; the layers of cervical fascia blend with it. Synonym: vagina carotica. (05 Mar 2000)

Lexicographical Neighbors of Carotid Sheath

carotid body
carotid body cell
carotid body tumour
carotid bruit
carotid bulb
carotid canal
carotid doppler
carotid duct
carotid duplex
carotid foramen
carotid ganglion
carotid groove
carotid plexus
carotid pulse
carotid sinus
carotid sinus branch
carotid sinus nerve
carotid sinus reflex
carotid sinus syncope
carotid sinus syndrome
carotid sinus test
carotid stenosis
carotid sulcus
carotid triangle
carotid tubercle
carotid ultrasound
carotid wall of middle ear

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