Medical Definition of Distalis

1. Remote, farther from any point of reference, opposed to proximal. Used to designate a position on the dental arch farther from the median line of the jaw. Origin: L. Distans = distant This entry appears with permission from the Dictionary of Cell and Molecular Biology (11 Mar 2008)

Lexicographical Neighbors of Distalis

distal end cutter
distal goal
distal ileitis
distal interphalangeal joints
distal muscular dystrophy
distal occlusion
distal part of anterior lobe of hypophysis
distal phalange
distal phalanges
distal radioulnar articulation
distal radioulnar joint
distal spiral septum
distal splenorenal shunt
distal surface of tooth
distal tibiofibular joint
distance ceptor
distance education
distance formula
distance formulae
distance learning
distance of virtual image
distance perception
distance vector
distance vision

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