Medical Definition of Ductus deferens vestigialis

1. A rudimentary vestige of the mesonephric duct in the female into which the tubules of the epoophoron open; it is located in the broad ligament of the uterus, parallel with the lateral part of the uterine tube, and in the lateral walls of the cervix and vagina. Synonym: ductus epoophori longitudinalis, ductus deferens vestigialis, Gartner's canal, Gartner's duct. (05 Mar 2000)

Lexicographical Neighbors of Ductus Deferens Vestigialis

ductulus aberrans inferior
ductulus aberrans superior
ductulus alveolaris
ductus aberrantes
ductus arteriosus
ductus biliferi
ductus caroticus
ductus choledochus
ductus cochlearis
ductus cysticus
ductus dorsopancreaticus
ductus endolymphaticus
ductus epididymidis
ductus excretorius
ductus hemithoracicus
ductus hepaticus communis
ductus hepaticus dexter
ductus hepaticus sinister
ductus incisivus
ductus lactiferi

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