Medical Definition of Foramen obturatum

1. A large, oval or irregularly triangular aperture in the hip bone, the margins of which are formed by the pubis and the ischium; it is closed in the natural state by the obturator membrane, except for a small opening for the passage of the obturator vessels and nerve. Synonym: foramen obturatum. (05 Mar 2000)

Lexicographical Neighbors of Foramen Obturatum

foramen infraorbitale
foramen interventriculare
foramen intervertebrale
foramen ischiadicum
foramen jugulare
foramen lacerum
foramen lacerum anterius
foramen lacerum medium
foramen lacerum posterius
foramen lateralis ventriculi quarti
foramen magnum
foramen mandibulae
foramen mastoideum
foramen mentale
foramen nutricium
foramen of Arnold
foramen of Key-Retzius
foramen of Luschka
foramen of Monro
foramen of transverse process
foramen of vena cava
foramen omentale
foramen opticum
foramen ovale
foramen ovales
foramen palatinum majus
foramen parietale
foramen petrosum
foramen processus transversi

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