Medical Definition of Growth milestones

1. (1-3 years) In ascending order: masters walking, recognises gender differences, uses up to 8 words and understands simple commands, able to run, pivot and walk backwards, uses spoon to feed self, can name pictures of common objects, can point to body parts, imitates speech of others, begins pedaling tricycle, learns to take turns in play with other children, able to feed self neatly with minimal spill, able to say first and last name, able to draw a line when shown, dresses self with minimal help, learns to share toys without parent direction (12-18 years) In ascending order: boys exhibit secondary sexual characteristics (chest, facial, axillary and pubic hair growth voice changes, penile enlargement), movement into adult height/weight category, cognitive abilities move from simply concrete to abstract, peer acceptance and recognition is vital (3-6 years) In ascending order: rides tricycle well, able to draw a circle, able to draw stick figures, hops on one foot, catches a bounced ball, understands size concepts, enjoys rhymes and word play, able to skip, increased independence in performing tasks without parental assistance, begins to ride bicycle, understands time concepts, begins to recognise written words, starts reading skills, starts school (6-12 years) In ascending order: understands and is able to follow sequential directions, beginning skills for team sports, begins to lose baby teeth and erupt permanent teeth, reading skills develop further, peer recognition becomes important, girls begin to demonstrate secondary sexual characteristics (pubic hair, axillary hair, breast development), first menstrual period may occur (birth-1 year) In ascending order: displays social smile, rolls over by self, able to sit alone without support, babbling, plays peek-a-boo, eruption of first tooth, pulls self to standing position, walks while holding on to furniture or other support, says mama or dada in proper situations, able to drink from cup, understands NO and will stop activity in response, walks without support (27 Sep 1997)

Lexicographical Neighbors of Growth Milestones

growth factor
growth factors
growth hormone
growth hormone-producing adenoma
growth hormone-regulating hormone
growth hormone-releasing factor
growth hormone-releasing hormone
growth hormone inhibiting hormone
growth hormone stimulation test
growth hormone suppression test
growth industry
growth inhibitors
growth media
growth medium
growth phase
growth plate
growth quotient
growth rate
growth rate of population
growth regulator
growth ring
growth rings
growth spurt
growth stock
growth substance

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