Definition of Gulf of thailand

1. Noun. An arm of the South China Sea between Indochina and the Malay Peninsula.

Exact synonyms: Gulf Of Siam
Generic synonyms: Gulf
Group relationships: South China Sea

Definition of Gulf of thailand

1. Proper noun. An inland body of water in the Pacific Ocean that is southeast of Southeast Asia below the countries of Myanmar, Thailand, and Cambodia, and is close to the Malay Peninsula of Malaysia. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Gulf Of Thailand

Gulf of Carpenteria
Gulf of Corinth
Gulf of Finland
Gulf of Guinea
Gulf of Lepanto
Gulf of Mexico
Gulf of Ob
Gulf of Oman
Gulf of Riga
Gulf of Saint Lawrence
Gulf of Siam
Gulf of Sidra
Gulf of St. Lawrence
Gulf of Suez
Gulf of Tehuantepec
Gulf of Thailand
Gulf of Venice
Gulf stream
Gullstrand's slitlamp
Gulo gulo
Gulo luscus
Gumboro disease

Literary usage of Gulf of thailand

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Thailand by Phillipe Bénet (2000)
"Ko Samui and the Islands of the Gulf of Thailand At Surat Thani. some 500 km (300 ... OF gulf of thailand The first inhabitants were Chinese farmers and ..."

2. Selected Worldwide Marine Weather Broadcastsby DIANE Publishing Company by DIANE Publishing Company (1995)
"... areas: too Gulf of Thailand West coast to latitude 5°N Area 1 : Gulf of Thailand East coast to latitude 5°N and longitude 107°E Area 2: Gulf of Thailand ..."

3. Asia in the 21st Century: Evolving Strategic Priorities by Michael D. Bellows (1994)
"The navy intends to construct a two-ocean capability for the Andaman Sea and the Gulf of Thailand respectively. This will require the construction of three ..."

4. International Energy Outlook 98: With Projections Thru 2020 edited by Mary Hutzler, Linda Doman, Arthur T. Anderson (1998)
"PTT also signed an agreement in November to purchase gas from two fields in the Gulf of Thailand from Rutherford-Moran Oil Corporation [51]. ..."

5. An Almanack for the Year of Our Lord by Joseph Whitaker (1869)
"... of a deep water port at Sihanouk - ville (Kompong Sum) on the Gulf of Thailand have been completed and can receive ships up to tons. ..."

6. The Secret War: The Office of Strategic Services in World War II edited by George C. Chalou (1995)
"A Thai Customs Department launch picked them up and ferried them from the landing point in the Gulf of Thailand to the capital, where they were sheltered at ..."

7. Regional Workshop on Solar Power Generation Using Photovoltaic Technology (1999)
"Thailand has maximum dimensions of about 2500 km north to south and 1250 km east to west, with a coastline of approximately 1840 km on the Gulf of Thailand ..."

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