Medical Definition of Long central artery

1. Long posterior ciliary artery, one of two branches of the ophthalmic running forward between the sclerotic and choroid coats to the iris, at the outer and inner margins of which they form by anastomosis two circles. Synonym: arteria ciliaris posterior longa, medial striate artery. (05 Mar 2000)

Lexicographical Neighbors of Long Central Artery

long arm statutes
long arms
long as my arm
long axis
long axis of body
long axis view
long ball
long ballot
long ballots
long beech fern
long black
long bone
long bones
long buccal nerve
long chain
long ciliary nerve
long cone technique
long corner
long corners
long crus of incus
long division
long dozen
long dozens
long drink
long drink of water
long drinks
long drop
long exact sequence

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