Definition of Mass-produced

1. Adjective. Produced in quantity often by assembly-line techniques.

Similar to: Factory-made

Definition of Mass-produced

1. Verb. (past of mass-produce) ¹

2. Adjective. produced by mass production ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Mass-produced


Literary usage of Mass-produced

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Under Cover: Evolution of Upholstered Furniture by Ed van Hinte (2006)
"So the two extremes, mass produced luxury and an artisanal image proposal, roughly represent two lines of tradition in chair design. ..."

2. Crossover: Architecture, Urbanism, Technology by Ad Graafland, Leslie Jaye Kavanaugh, George Baird (2006)
"There is no catalogue; the products are produced starting from raw material (which in most cases is still mass-produced) for a specific purpose, ..."

3. Adaptable Housing: A Technical Manual for Implementing Adaptable Dwelling by James A. Bostrom (1994)
"Although it is not well-known, some mass-produced cabinet lines already have ... Other mass-produced products with adaptable features, such as removable ..."

4. Youth & Drugs: Society's Mixed Messages edited by Hank Resnik (1994)
"Part of this great transformation into a society of consumption was the flooding of the everyday world with mass-produced images. Integral to the general ..."

5. American Standards of Living, 1918-1988 by Clair Brown (1994)
"But the advertising that has played such a crucial role in creating pressures to consume mass- produced goods and services has itself provoked debate about ..."

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