Definition of Passaging

1. Verb. (present participle of passage) ¹

¹ Source:

Definition of Passaging

1. passage [v] - See also: passage

Literary usage of Passaging

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. The Griffin's Aide-de-camp by Blunt Spurs (1860)
"passaging. After a few lessons at the shoulders in, proceed to the half passage, ... The motion of the horse's legs in passaging is tho same as that in ..."

2. A Treatise on Equitation, Or, The Art of Horsemanship by J. G. Peters (1835)
"A horse when passaging round the riding-house, through the corners, for example, with croupe to the wall, going right-hand, round the riding-house, ..."

3. The Journal of Comparative Pathology and Therapeutics (1888)
"passaging the strain through a semisolid agar in a Craigie tube to which hyperimmune serum y was added. Similarly, if only phase 2 was demonstrated, ..."

4. Riding by Robert Weir, J. Moray Brown (1891)
"He will most likely advance a little at first, instead of passaging square across ; but so ... passaging ' differs from ' shoulder in ' in this respect, ..."

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