Definition of Pissoirs

1. pissoir [n] - See also: pissoir

Lexicographical Neighbors of Pissoirs


Literary usage of Pissoirs

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. GWF; Das Gas- und Wasserfach by Deutscher Verein von Gas- und Wasserfachmännern (1889)
"März 1889 in Köln stellt: iten fentliche pissoirs . . . Springbrunnen Brunnen . ... 6927 pissoirs ......... 2386 Springbrunnen l bis ü inm . ..."

2. Medicinisch-chirurgische Rundschau (1874)
"... jene der öffentlichen pissoirs nnd Stände der Fuhrwerke mit 85°/„ roher ... während es in pissoirs die Entwicklung von Ammoniak zu sehr befördert. 3. ..."

3. The Insect Book: A Popular Account of the Bees, Wasps, Ants, Grasshoppers by Leland Ossian Howard (1905)
"Some species breed in pools of water strongly impregnated with minerals, and one form is found breeding commonly in the pissoirs of European cities. ..."

4. Someone Comes to Town, Someone Leaves Town by Cory Doctorow (2006)
"knew their secrets played ball-hockey nearly undisturbed by cars, junkies turned them into reeking pissoirs, homeless people dossed down in the lees of ..."

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