Definition of Point of inevitability

1. Noun. In sexual intercourse or masturbation, a level of sexual arousal in the male that results in orgasm and ejaculation, i.e., climax. It is that point at which ejaculating becomes inevitable. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Point Of Inevitability

point man
point men
point mutation
point mutations
point of accumulation
point of apoapsis
point of articulation
point of contact
point of departure
point of elbow
point of entry
point of fixation
point of honor
point of inflection
point of interest
point of intersection
point of maximal impulse
point of no return
point of order
point of ossification
point of periapsis
point of pride
point of proximal contact
point of purchase
point of reference
point of regard
point of sail

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