Definition of Sassafrases

1. sassafras [n] - See also: sassafras

Lexicographical Neighbors of Sassafrases


Literary usage of Sassafrases

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. The Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture: A Discussion for the Amateur, and by Liberty Hyde Bailey (1917)
"The sassafrases are handsome trees of pyramidal habit with rather large, entire or 3-lobed leaves and small yellow flowers in few-flowered racemes appearing ..."

2. Maryland Historical Magazine by Maryland Historical Society (1906)
"It was the place of all others to catch a boy's fancy, however, for these stunted black oaks and pea-stick sassafrases were the primaeval forest. ..."

3. Nature and Man in America by Nathaniel Southgate Shaler (1891)
"Moreover, in North America there are many forms, such as our sassafrases, sweet gums, sour gums, tulip-trees, magnolias, bald cypresses, etc. , which are no ..."

4. Nature and Man in America by Nathaniel Southgate Shaler (1891)
"Moreover, in North America there are many forms, such as our sassafrases, sweet gums, sour gums, tulip-trees', magnolias, bald cypresses, etc., ..."

5. The Magazine of History with Notes and Queries (1920)
"The glory of spring was over all, the dogwoods were shining with their milk- white blossoms, the Judas trees and the sassafrases were purple and cold, ..."

6. Austral English: A Dictionary of Australasian Words, Phrases, and Usages by Edward Ellis Morris (1898)
"... Saw the blackwoods and the box- trees, And the spiral sassafrases, Saw the fairy fern-trees mantled With their mossy cloak of grasses. ..."

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