Definition of Scrapers

1. Noun. (plural of scraper) ¹

¹ Source:

Definition of Scrapers

1. scraper [n] - See also: scraper

Literary usage of Scrapers

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society by American Philosophical Society (1771)
"Three End scrapers 118 154. Six Side scrapers: A on Flakes; B on Blades 118 155. ... Two End and Side scrapers 121 161. Two End and Side scrapers 122 162. ..."

2. American Highway Engineers' Handbook by Arthur Horace Blanchard (1919)
"The roller has plenty of power and loads the scrapers with seemingly little effort. The loaded scrapers are driven onto adjoining lots and dumped to spread ..."

3. The Improvement of Rivers: A Treatise on the Methods Employed for Improving by Benjamin Franklin Thomas, David Alexander Watt (1903)
"The first efforts made to remove the sand-bars by means of the scrapers, ... These scrapers consisted of a frame attached to the bow of a boat and carrying ..."

4. The Improvement of Rivers: A Treatise on the Methods Employed for Improving by Benjamin Franklin Thomas, David Alexander Watt (1913)
"The work of the screw was made more effective by auxiliary scrapers attached to the upstream end of the boat, on each side of the keel. ..."

5. Earthwork and Its Cost: A Handbook of Earth Excavation by Halbert Powers Gillette (1920)
"These four-wheel scrapers have been used in street and 'road work, for levees and ... Methods and Cost of Excavating a Canal with Four-Wheel scrapers. ..."

6. American Highway Engineers' Handbook by Arthur Horace Blanchard (1919)
"The roller has plenty of power and loads the scrapers with seemingly little effort. The loaded scrapers are driven onto adjoining lota and dumped to spread ..."

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