Definition of Siberian larch

1. Noun. Medium-sized larch of northeastern Russia and Siberia having narrowly conic crown and soft narrow bright-green leaves; used in cultivation.

Exact synonyms: Larix Russica, Larix Siberica
Generic synonyms: Larch, Larch Tree

Lexicographical Neighbors of Siberian Larch

Siberian Huskies
Siberian Husky
Siberian crab
Siberian crab apple
Siberian crane
Siberian cranes
Siberian elm
Siberian elms
Siberian flying squirrel
Siberian flying squirrels
Siberian husky
Siberian jay
Siberian jays
Siberian larch
Siberian millet
Siberian pea tree
Siberian spruce
Siberian tiger
Siberian tigers
Siberian wall flower
Siberian weasel
Siberian weasels
Sibley tent
Sibson's aortic vestibule
Sibson's aponeurosis

Literary usage of Siberian larch

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Permafrost: Second International Conference, July 13-28, 1973 : USSR by Frederick J. Sanger, Peter J. Hyde (1978)
"On the other hand, the siberian larch is much less capable of sending out ... This hampers the growth and development of the siberian larch and scrub alder. ..."

2. Through Siberia, the Land of the Future by Fridtjof Nansen (1914)
"These trees here, the siberian larch, the Siberian spruce and the Siberian cedar, ... I cannot help thinking that this siberian larch, for instance, ..."

3. The Botanic Annual, Or, Familiar Illustrations of the Structure, Habits by Robert Mudie (1832)
"The siberian larch is of much smaller dimensions, and has the cones much more minute than the larch on the Alps. American Larches. The two American larches ..."

4. Farthest North: Being the Record of a Voyage of Exploration of the Ship by Fridtjof Nansen, Otto Neumann Sverdrup (1898)
"For amongst it are to be found fir, siberian larch, and other kinds of wood peculiar to the north, which could scarcely have come from any other quarter. ..."

5. Farthest North: Being the Record of a Voyage of Exploration of the Ship by Fridtjof Nansen, Otto Neumann Sverdrup (1897)
"For amongst it are to be found fir, siberian larch, ... Out of twenty-five pieces of driftwood, seventeen were siberian larch, five Norwegian fir (probably ..."

6. Transactions of the International Engineering Congress, 1915 (1916)
"Within the limits of the growing of siberian larch, there happens to be likewise the Siberian fir (Abies sibirica). On the extreme northeast, in the sector, ..."

7. The Russians on the Amur: Its Discovery, Conquest, and Colonization, with a by Ernest George Ravenstein (1861)
"... a species of hawthorn (Rh. polymorpha), the Cembra Pine, and siberian larch. d The trees of the Gobi are a hawthorn, the bird-cherry, a birch, ..."

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