Definition of Sodomists

1. Noun. (plural of sodomist) ¹

¹ Source:

Definition of Sodomists

1. sodomist [n] - See also: sodomist

Lexicographical Neighbors of Sodomists

sodium thiosulphate
sodium tripolyphosphate
sodium tungstoborate
sodium vapor lamp
sodium vapour lamp

Literary usage of Sodomists

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. A Treatise on nervous and mental diseases: For Students and Practitioners of by Landon Carter Gray (1895)
"These sodomists are divided into female and male, and the one who acts as female always acts as female, while the one who acts as male always acts as male ..."

2. A Treatise on nervous and mental diseases: For Students and Practitioners of by Landon Carter Gray (1893)
"These sodomists are divided into female and male, and the one who acts as female always acts as female, while the one who acts as male always acts as male ..."

3. In a Time of Torture: The Assault on Justice in Egypt's Crackdown on by Human Rights Watch, Human Rights Watch (Organization). (2004)
"His dissertation, titled (in English) "Medicolegal Assessment of the Anal Sphincter Functions in sodomists," was presented at Ayn Shams University on April ..."

4. A History of Nursing: The Evolution of Nursing Systems from the Earliest by Mary Adelaide Nutting, Lavinia L. Dock (1907)
"... highway robbers, incendiaries, sodomists, conspirators, thieves, traitors, poisoners, debtors, false witnesses, and sacrilegious persons. ..."

5. Peking: A Social Survey Conducted Under the Auspices of the Princeton by Sidney David Gamble, John Stewart Burgess (1921)
"... their own class and it is also said that many of them are sodomists. A prominent Chinese physician in Peking made this statement : "There is no chance ..."

6. Peking: A Social Survey Conducted Under the Auspices of the Princeton by Sidney David Gamble, John Stewart Burgess (1921)
"Lacking the money needed to patronize the licensed houses they cohabit with women of their own class and it is also said that many of them are sodomists. ..."

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