Alternative terms

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Lexicographical Neighbors of

the 'G'
the Alps
the Americas
the Argentine
the British
the British are coming
the Buddha
the City
the Crane
the Depression
the English
the Fates
the Gloomy Dean
the Great Calamity
the Great Commoner
the Great Compromiser
the Great Depression
the Great Elector
the Great Hunger
the Great Starvation
the Green, White and Gold

Literary usage of

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. The Harvard Classics by Charles William Eliot (1910)
"THE BIRTH OF THE BUDDHA Translated from the Introduction to the Jataka ... This is called the Buddha-Uproar. And lastly, when they realize that after the ..."

2. The World's Parliament of Religions: An Illustrated and Popular Story of the by John Henry Barrows (1893)
"The second is the personality of the result which the Buddha attained by refining his action, a state of the mind free from lust and evil desire but full of ..."

3. The Outline of History: Being a Plain History of Life and Mankind by Herbert George Wells (1921)
"In his discourses he never called himself the Buddha. He and his recovered disciples then formed a sort of Academy in the Deer Park at Benares. ..."

4. The Gospel of Buddha by Paul Carus (1917)
"THE BUDDHA OMNIPRESENT. And the Blessed One thus addressed the brethren: 1 "Those only who do not believe, call me Gotama, but you call me the Buddha, ..."

5. The Gospel of Buddha by Paul Carus (1915)
"THE BUDDHA OMNIPRESENT. And the Blessed One thus addressed the brethren: i "Those only who do not believe, call me Gotama, but you call me the Buddha, ..."

6. The New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge: Embracing by Johann Jakob Herzog, Philip Schaff, Albert Hauck (1908)
"They reach this conclusion by a comparison of elements of the Buddha legend composed long after the death of the teacher with the Gospels. ..."

7. The Secret Doctrine: The Synthesis of Science, Religion, and Philosophy by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1897)
"Thus, while the Buddha merges back into Nirvana whence it proceeded, the Bodhisattva remains behind to continue the Buddha's work upon earth. ..."

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