Medical Definition of Uterine filling defect

1. Technical, bubble, blood clot, mucoid material, congenital fold, pseudoadhesions / ridging -- folds long axis, neoplasm, submucosal leiomyoma, adenoma, endometrial carcinoma, pregnancy-related, pregnancy, molar pregnancy, retained conceptus, polyp, septated uterus, synechiae, IUD, iatrogenic (post-op) (12 Dec 1998)

Lexicographical Neighbors of Uterine Filling Defect

uterine appendages
uterine brother
uterine calculus
uterine cavity
uterine cervix
uterine contraction
uterine cycle
uterine dysmenorrhoea
uterine extremity of ovary
uterine fibroid
uterine haemorrhage
uterine horn
uterine inertia
uterine insufficiency
uterine isthmus
uterine milk
uterine monitoring
uterine neoplasms
uterine opening of uterine tubes
uterine ostium of uterine tubes
uterine part of uterine tube
uterine perforation

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