Medical Definition of Ventricular assist device

1. A device that supports or replaces the function of a ventricle (LVAD or RVAD indicates which ventricle). The patient's heart remains in place when this device or system is used. The device is used in patients with potentially salvageable myocardium, where centrifugal or pneumatic devices can be placed in either heterotopic or orthotopic positions (the latter is termed a total artificial heart). The function of either the left, right, or both ventricles can thus be supported for days to weeks. Either recovery of heart function or need for transplantation then becomes apparent. (05 Mar 2000)

Lexicographical Neighbors of Ventricular Assist Device

ventricle of Sylvius
ventricle of cerebral hemisphere
ventricle of diencephalon
ventricle of rhombencephalon
ventricles of heart
ventricular aberration
ventricular afterload
ventricular aneurysm
ventricular arrhythmia
ventricular arrhythmias
ventricular arteries
ventricular band of larynx
ventricular bigeminy
ventricular bradycardia
ventricular capture
ventricular complex
ventricular conduction
ventricular diastole
ventricular dysfunction
ventricular extrasystole
ventricular fibrillation
ventricular filling pressure
ventricular fluid
ventricular flutter

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