Definition of Brassets

1. n. See Brassart.

Definition of Brassets

1. brasset [n] - See also: brasset

Literary usage of Brassets

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Original Plays by William Schwenck Gilbert (1908)
"These brassets, truth to tell, May look uncommon well, But in a fight They're much to tight, They're like a lobster shell! ..."

2. Notes and Queries by Martim de Albuquerque (1860)
"... desert His jupon is made to open a little at the sides, and then God all my prisonners are safe. My care fastened by small clasps ; and his brassets and ..."

3. The History of the Crusades by Joseph Fr. Michaud, William Robson (1853)
"The Germans could scarcely move under the weight of their bucklers, corselets, and steel brassets ..."

4. A Dictionary of Archaic and Provincial Words, Obsolete Phrases, Proverbs by James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps (1847)
"In ancient armour, pieces between the elbow and the top of the shoulder, fastened together by straps inside the arms. Skinner spells it brassets. ..."

5. Life and Labours of Mr. Brassey. 1805-1870 by Arthur Helps (1874)
"Brassets LIFE. hindering, greatly assisted him in his im- CHAP. XXII. portant enterprises. Tact was a very notice- ' •—' able quality in him. ..."

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