Medical Definition of Chronic symptomatic hiv infection

1. This refers to an HIV infection that is characterised by signs and symptoms of HIV that are not life-threatening. Examples include oral thrush, gingivitis, seborrheic dermatitis, molluscum contangiosum, fevers, fatigue, lymph node swelling, malaise and weight loss. This stage can be a signal for the conversion from asymptomatic HIV disease to HIV disease (moe pronouced symptoms include joint pains). AIDS is diagnosed after HIV disease has started to manifest life-threatening oppotunistic infections (for example pneumocystis, cryptosporidium, toxoplasmosis, etc). (27 Sep 1997)

Lexicographical Neighbors of Chronic Symptomatic Hiv Infection

chronic phase
chronic pleurisy
chronic pneumonia
chronic progressive chorea
chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia
chronic progressive syphilitic meningoencephalitis
chronic pyelonephritis
chronic rejection
chronic renal failure
chronic respiratory disease
chronic rheumatism
chronic rhinitis
chronic shock
chronic soroche
chronic subglottic laryngitis
chronic symptomatic HIV infection
chronic tamponade
chronic toxicity
chronic traumatic encephalopathy
chronic trypanosomiasis
chronic ulcer
chronic ulcerative proctitis
chronic urticaria
chronic venous insufficiency
chronic vertigo
chronic wasting disease

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