Definition of Clematis lasiantha

1. Noun. Clematis of California.

Exact synonyms: Pipestem Clematis
Generic synonyms: Clematis

Lexicographical Neighbors of Clematis Lasiantha

Cleemann's sign
Cleese's woolly lemur
Cleese's woolly lemurs
Cleistes divaricata
Cleistes rosea
Cleland's reagent
Cleland nomenclature
Clematis baldwinii
Clematis crispa
Clematis lasiantha
Clematis ochreleuca
Clematis tangutica
Clematis texensis
Clematis versicolor
Clematis verticillaris
Clematis viorna
Clematis virginiana
Clematis vitalba
Clemence Sophia Harned Lozier
Clement Attlee
Clement Philibert Leo Delibes

Literary usage of Clematis lasiantha

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Plant-geography Upon a Physiological Basis by Andreas Franz Wilhelm Schimper (1903)
"274), and a few climbing shrubs: Lonicera hispidula, Dougl., and clematis lasiantha, Nutt. Dendro- mecon rigidum, Benth. (Fig. ..."

2. Muhlenbergia: A Journal of Botany by Amos Arthur Heller (1907)
"clematis lasiantha Nutt. Abundant on the hills about Los Gatos, climbing over shrubs. A handsome plant when in bloom or when covered by the silky, ..."

3. Report on the United States and Mexican Boundary Survey by Timothy Abbott Conrad, William Hemsley Emory, Spencer Fullerton Baird, George Englemann, James Hall, Charles Christopher Parry, John Torrey, Arthur Carl Victor Schott, Charles Frédéric Girard, United States Dept. of the Interior (1858)
"clematis lasiantha, Nutt. in Torr. & Gray, L c. (TAB. I.) In various places, California, Parry. C. pauciflora, Nutt., of which I have a specimen in fruit, ..."

4. Chaparral: Studies in the Dwarf Forests, Or Elfin-wood, of Southern California by Fred Gordon Plummer (1911)
"clematis lasiantha In Monterey and Santa Barbara National Forests. Cornus californica In Santa Barbara National Forest. Cornus pubescens In Monterey ..."

5. Notizblatt des Botanischen Gartens und Muzeums zu Berlin-dahlem by Botanischer Garten, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Botanisches Museum (1903)
"... und clematis lasiantha, seltener Vitis californica. Endlich kommt in dem Chaparal auch Pinus ..."

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