Definition of Escort

1. Verb. Accompany as an escort. "She asked her older brother to escort her to the ball"

Generic synonyms: Accompany
Specialized synonyms: Squire, Safeguard, Convoy, Chaperon, Chaperone

2. Noun. Someone who escorts and protects a prominent person.
Exact synonyms: Bodyguard
Group relationships: Guard
Generic synonyms: Defender, Guardian, Protector, Shielder
Specialized synonyms: Outrider, Praetorian, Praetorian Guard, Beefeater, Yeoman, Yeoman Of The Guard
Derivative terms: Body Guard

3. Verb. Accompany or escort. "I'll see you to the door"
Exact synonyms: See
Generic synonyms: Accompany

4. Noun. The act of accompanying someone or something in order to protect them.
Exact synonyms: Accompaniment
Generic synonyms: Protection
Specialized synonyms: Convoy
Derivative terms: Accompany, Accompany

5. Noun. An attendant who is employed to accompany someone.
Generic synonyms: Attendant, Attender, Tender
Specialized synonyms: Color Guard, Guard Of Honor, Honor Guard, Minder, Guide, Usher

6. Noun. A participant in a date. "His date never stopped talking"
Exact synonyms: Date
Group relationships: Appointment, Date, Engagement
Specialized synonyms: Blind Date
Generic synonyms: Associate, Companion, Comrade, Familiar, Fellow
Derivative terms: Date, Date

Definition of Escort

1. n. A body of armed men to attend a person of distinction for the sake of affording safety when on a journey; one who conducts some one as an attendant; a guard, as of prisoners on a march; also, a body of persons, attending as a mark of respect or honor; -- applied to movements on land, as convoy is to movements at sea.

2. v. t. To attend with a view to guard and protect; to accompany as safeguard; to give honorable or ceremonious attendance to; -- used esp. with reference to journeys or excursions on land; as, to escort a public functionary, or a lady; to escort a baggage wagon.

Definition of Escort

1. Noun. A body of armed men to attend a person of distinction for the sake of affording safety when on a journey; one who conducts some one as an attendant; a guard, as of prisoners on a march; also, a body of persons, attending as a mark of respect or honor; -- applied to movements on land, as convoy is to movements at sea. ¹

2. Noun. An accompanying person in a social gathering etc. ¹

3. Noun. Protection, care, or safeguard on a journey or excursion; as, to travel under the escort of a friend. ¹

4. Noun. A sex worker who does not operate in a brothel, but with whom clients make appointments; a call girl or male equivalent. ¹

5. Verb. To attend with a view to guard and protect; to accompany as safeguard; to give honorable or ceremonious attendance to; -- used especially with reference to journeys or excursions on land; as, to escort a public functionary, or a lady; to escort a baggage wagon. ¹

¹ Source:

Definition of Escort

1. to accompany [v -ED, -ING, -S] - See also: accompany

Lexicographical Neighbors of Escort

escort agencies
escort agency
escort services

Literary usage of Escort

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. The Annual Register, Or, A View of the History, Politics, and Literature for by Edmund Burke, Benjamin Franklin Collection (Library of Congress), John Davis Batchelder Collection (Library of Congress) (1822)
"For this purpose, each third man was provided with a flambeau, and soon after seven the carriage, attended by the escort, advanced to Windsor. ..."

2. Battles and Sketches of the Army of Tennessee by Bromfield Lewis Ridley (1906)
"DARING DEEDS OF STAFF AND escort. Florence Depot, near Murfreesboro, Tennessee, is the home of Major Chas. W. Anderson, an interesting character who was a ..."

3. The Catholic Encyclopedia: An International Work of Reference on the by Charles George Herbermann (1913)
"... with an escort of about twenty Indians and ized) about 40 panied by two other priests, Frs. Santa Maria and 4 Sandia • 78 soldiers under Francisco ..."

4. The Rebellion Record: A Diary of American Events by Frank Moore, Edward Everett (1868)
"Colonel Smith, of the One Hundred and Second Illinois, went out with an escort of ten men to inspect the ground where the cannons were about to be planted, ..."

5. Proceedings of the United States Naval Instituteby United States Naval Institute by United States Naval Institute (1891)
"The escort is formed opposite the quarters of the deceased ; the band on that flank of the escort toward which it is to march. Upon the appearance of the ..."

6. The Annual Register, Or, A View of the History, Politics, and Literature for by Edmund Burke, Benjamin Franklin Collection (Library of Congress), John Davis Batchelder Collection (Library of Congress) (1822)
"For this purpose, each third man was provided with a flambeau, and soon after seven the carriage, attended by the escort, advanced to Windsor. ..."

7. Battles and Sketches of the Army of Tennessee by Bromfield Lewis Ridley (1906)
"DARING DEEDS OF STAFF AND escort. Florence Depot, near Murfreesboro, Tennessee, is the home of Major Chas. W. Anderson, an interesting character who was a ..."

8. The Catholic Encyclopedia: An International Work of Reference on the by Charles George Herbermann (1913)
"... with an escort of about twenty Indians and ized) about 40 panied by two other priests, Frs. Santa Maria and 4 Sandia • 78 soldiers under Francisco ..."

9. The Rebellion Record: A Diary of American Events by Frank Moore, Edward Everett (1868)
"Colonel Smith, of the One Hundred and Second Illinois, went out with an escort of ten men to inspect the ground where the cannons were about to be planted, ..."

10. Proceedings of the United States Naval Instituteby United States Naval Institute by United States Naval Institute (1891)
"The escort is formed opposite the quarters of the deceased ; the band on that flank of the escort toward which it is to march. Upon the appearance of the ..."

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