Definition of European recovery program

1. Noun. A United States program of economic aid for the reconstruction of Europe (1948-1952); named after George Marshall.

Exact synonyms: Marshall Plan
Generic synonyms: Foreign Aid

Lexicographical Neighbors of European Recovery Program

European Central Bank
European Commission
European Commissioner
European Commissioners
European Community
European Economic Community
European Law Enforcement Organisation
European Parliament
European Parliaments
European Portuguese
European Recovery Program
European Russia
European Shorthair
European Shorthairs
European Stability Mechanism
European Union
European ash
European badger
European badgers
European barberry
European bean
European beaver
European beavers
European beech
European beggar-ticks

Literary usage of European recovery program

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Assessing the Soviet Threat: The Early Cold War Years edited by Woodrow J. Kuhns (1999)
"French interest in the success of a european recovery program is as strong as British, but French ability to participate hinged upon the strength with which ..."

2. The Shape of the New Europe by Gregory F. Treverton (1992)
"States not to spearhead a new european recovery program but to be an active partner in conserving and reinforcing a multilateral order; that would provide a ..."

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