Definition of Gall

1. Verb. Become or make sore by or as if by rubbing.

Exact synonyms: Chafe, Fret
Generic synonyms: Irritate
Derivative terms: Chafe, Fret

2. Noun. An open sore on the back of a horse caused by ill-fitting or badly adjusted saddle.
Exact synonyms: Saddle Sore
Generic synonyms: Animal Disease

3. Verb. Irritate or vex. "The performance is likely to gall Sue"; "It galls me that we lost the suit"
Exact synonyms: Irk
Generic synonyms: Anger

4. Noun. A skin sore caused by chafing.
Generic synonyms: Sore
Specialized synonyms: Saddle Sore

5. Noun. Abnormal swelling of plant tissue caused by insects or microorganisms or injury.
Generic synonyms: Plant Tissue
Specialized synonyms: Oak Apple

6. Noun. A feeling of deep and bitter anger and ill-will.
Exact synonyms: Bitterness, Rancor, Rancour, Resentment
Generic synonyms: Enmity, Hostility, Ill Will
Specialized synonyms: Heartburning, Huffishness, Sulkiness, Grievance, Grudge, Score, Enviousness, Envy
Derivative terms: Bitter, Rancorous, Resent

7. Noun. A digestive juice secreted by the liver and stored in the gallbladder; aids in the digestion of fats.
Exact synonyms: Bile
Generic synonyms: Digestive Fluid, Digestive Juice
Derivative terms: Biliary, Biliary, Bilious

8. Noun. The trait of being rude and impertinent; inclined to take liberties.
Exact synonyms: Cheekiness, Crust, Freshness, Impertinence, Impudence, Insolence
Generic synonyms: Discourtesy, Rudeness
Specialized synonyms: Chutzpa, Chutzpah, Hutzpah
Derivative terms: Cheeky, Crusty, Fresh, Impertinent, Impudent, Insolent, Insolent

Definition of Gall

1. n. The bitter, alkaline, viscid fluid found in the gall bladder, beneath the liver. It consists of the secretion of the liver, or bile, mixed with that of the mucous membrane of the gall bladder.

2. n. An excrescence of any form produced on any part of a plant by insects or their larvae. They are most commonly caused by small Hymenoptera and Diptera which puncture the bark and lay their eggs in the wounds. The larvae live within the galls. Some galls are due to aphids, mites, etc. See Gallnut.

3. v. t. To impregnate with a decoction of gallnuts.

4. v. t. To fret and wear away by friction; to hurt or break the skin of by rubbing; to chafe; to injure the surface of by attrition; as, a saddle galls the back of a horse; to gall a mast or a cable.

5. v. i. To scoff; to jeer.

6. n. A wound in the skin made by rubbing.

Definition of Gall

1. Noun. (anatomy obsolete uncountable) Bile, especially that of an animal; the greenish, profoundly bitter-tasting fluid found in bile ducts and gall bladders, structures associated with the liver. ¹

2. Noun. (anatomy) The gall bladder. ¹

3. Noun. (uncountable obsolete) Great misery or physical suffering, likened to the bitterest-tasting of substances. ¹

4. Noun. A bump-like imperfection resembling a gall. ¹

5. Noun. A feeling of exasperation. ¹

6. Noun. Impudence or brazenness; temerity, chutzpah. ¹

7. Noun. (medicine obsolete countable) A sore or open wound caused by chafing, which may become infected, as with a blister. ¹

8. Noun. A sore on a horse caused by an ill-fitted or ill-adjusted saddle; a saddle sore. ¹

9. Noun. A pit caused on a surface being cut caused by the friction between the two surfaces exceeding the bond of the material at a point. ¹

10. Verb. (transitive) To trouble or bother. ¹

11. Verb. To harass, to harry, often with the intent to cause injury. ¹

12. Verb. To chafe, to rub or subject to friction; to create a sore on the skin. ¹

13. Verb. To exasperate. ¹

14. Verb. To cause pitting on a surface being cut from the friction between the two surfaces exceeding the bond of the material at a point. ¹

15. Noun. A blister or tumor-like growth found on the surface of plants, caused by burrowing of insect larvae into the living tissues, especially that of the common oak gall wasp (qualifier Cynips quercusfolii). ¹

¹ Source:

Definition of Gall

1. to vex or irritate [v -ED, -ING, -S]

Medical Definition of Gall

1. 1. To fret and wear away by friction; to hurt or break the skin of by rubbing; to chafe; to injure the surface of by attrition; as, a saddle galls the back of a horse; to gall a mast or a cable. "I am loth to gall a new-healed wound." (Shak) 2. To fret; to vex; as, to be galled by sarcasm. "They that are most galled with my folly, They most must laugh." (Shak) 3. To injure; to harass; to annoy; as, the troops were galled by the shot of the enemy. "In our wars against the French of old, we used to gall them with our longbows, at a greater distance than they could shoot their arrows." (Addison) Origin: OE. Gallen; cf. F. Galer to scratch, rub, gale scurf, scab, G. Galle a disease in horses' feet, an excrescence under the tongue of horses; of uncertain origin. Cf. Gall gallnut. A wound in the skin made by rubbing. 1. The bitter, alkaline, viscid fluid found in the gall bladder, beneath the liver. It consists of the secretion of the liver, or bile, mixed with that of the mucous membrane of the gall bladder. 2. The gall bladder. 3. Anything extremely bitter; bitterness; rancor. "He hath . . . Compassed me with gall and travail." (Lam. Iii. 5) "Comedy diverted without gall." (Dryden) 4. Impudence; brazen assurance. Gall bladder, the membranous sac, in which the bile, or gall, is stored up, as secreted by the liver; the cholecystis. Gall duct, a duct which conveys bile, as the cystic duct, or the hepatic duct. Gall sickness, a remitting bilious fever in the Netherlands. Gall of the earth, an herbaceous composite plant with variously lobed and cleft leaves, usually the Prenanthes serpentaria. Origin: OE. Galle, gal, AS. Gealla; akin to D. Gal, OS. & OHG. Galla, Icel. Gall, SW. Galla, Dan. Galde, L. Fel, Gr, and prob. To E. Yellow. See Yellow, and cf. Choler. An excrescence of any form produced on any part of a plant by insects or their larvae. They are most commonly caused by small Hymenoptera and Diptera which puncture the bark and lay their eggs in the wounds. The larvae live within the galls. Some galls are due to aphids, mites, etc. See Gallnut. The galls, or gallnuts, of commerce are produced by insects of the genus Cynips, chiefly on an oak (Quercus infectoria or Lusitanica) of Western Asia and Southern Europe. They contain much tannin, and are used in the manufacture of that article and for making ink and a black dye, as well as in medicine. Gall insect See Gallfly. Origin: F. Galle, noix de galle, fr. L. Galla. Source: Websters Dictionary (01 Mar 1998)

Lexicographical Neighbors of Gall

gall (current term)
gall bladder
gall bladders
gall dang
gall duct
gall gnat
gall midge
gall midges
gall of the earth
gall wasp
gall wasps

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