Definition of I know

1. Phrase. (non-gloss definition A response used to indicate that speaker was in agreement with the preceding statement before it was made). ¹

2. Phrase. (non-gloss definition An emphatic assertion that one has a solution, an answer, or an idea). ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of I Know

I have a fever
I have a question
I have asthma
I have autism
I have cancer
I have diabetes
I have high blood pressure
I have low blood pressure
I have never
I have no money
I have to love you and leave you
I haven't the foggiest
I kappa B kinase
I knew someone when
I know
I know you are but what am I
I like pie
I like you
I live in Melbourne
I lost my backpack
I lost my bag
I lost my handbag
I lost my keys
I lost my wallet
I love you
I miss you
I must go
I must say

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