Definition of Ipsedixitism

1. Noun. An unsupported dogmatic assertion.

Exact synonyms: Ipse Dixit
Generic synonyms: Assertion, Asseveration, Averment

Definition of Ipsedixitism

1. Noun. an unfounded, false and dogmatic assertion ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Ipsedixitism

ipse dixit
ipsedixitism (current term)
ipsilateral reflex
ipso facto

Literary usage of Ipsedixitism

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Handy-book of Literary Curiosities by William Shepard Walsh (1892)
"The further development of the phrase into ipsedixitism, = the practice of dogmatic assertion, is happily rare. ..."

2. The Works of Jeremy Bentham by Jeremy Bentham, John Bowring (1843)
"... philosophy is ipsedixitism, —you will differ from him, and get his ill-will for your pains: and I will not expose you to it." But, to say the truth, ..."

3. The Encyclopaedia Britannica: A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and General by Thomas Spencer Baynes (1888)
"... itself in his profound disdain for " ipsedixitism," to use the piquant phrase of Bentham. Pufendorf was twenty-five years old when he quitted Jena. ..."

4. History of Philosophy by William Turner (1903)
"... as by their principle that what is true in theology may be false in philosophy ; indirectly, by their peculiar method, which was known as ipsedixitism. ..."

5. The New Englander by William Lathrop Kingsley (1878)
"ipsedixitism is the great disease of critics, and Mr. Wright did not escape it Fortunately, the performance of the critic is seldom so Titanic as his ..."

6. Theory of Thought and Knowledge by Borden Parker Bowne (1897)
"First, if scepticism is not to be pure arbitrariness and ipsedixitism, it must be supported by reasons. Belief and unbelief alike, as subjective facts, ..."

7. Theory of Thought and Knowledge by Borden Parker Bowne (1897)
"First, if scepticism is not to be pure arbitrariness and ipsedixitism, it must be supported by reasons. Belief and unbelief alike, as subjective facts, ..."

8. Idola Theatri: A Criticism of Oxford Thought and Thinkers from the by Henry Cecil Sturt, ( (1906)
"Analyse valuation to its ultimate terms and we see that, in the last resort, it is what Bentham disliked so much, ' ipsedixitism': we cannot appeal to any ..."

9. Handy-book of Literary Curiosities by William Shepard Walsh (1892)
"The further development of the phrase into ipsedixitism, = the practice of dogmatic assertion, is happily rare. ..."

10. The Works of Jeremy Bentham by Jeremy Bentham, John Bowring (1843)
"... philosophy is ipsedixitism, —you will differ from him, and get his ill-will for your pains: and I will not expose you to it." But, to say the truth, ..."

11. The Encyclopaedia Britannica: A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and General by Thomas Spencer Baynes (1888)
"... itself in his profound disdain for " ipsedixitism," to use the piquant phrase of Bentham. Pufendorf was twenty-five years old when he quitted Jena. ..."

12. History of Philosophy by William Turner (1903)
"... as by their principle that what is true in theology may be false in philosophy ; indirectly, by their peculiar method, which was known as ipsedixitism. ..."

13. The New Englander by William Lathrop Kingsley (1878)
"ipsedixitism is the great disease of critics, and Mr. Wright did not escape it Fortunately, the performance of the critic is seldom so Titanic as his ..."

14. Theory of Thought and Knowledge by Borden Parker Bowne (1897)
"First, if scepticism is not to be pure arbitrariness and ipsedixitism, it must be supported by reasons. Belief and unbelief alike, as subjective facts, ..."

15. Theory of Thought and Knowledge by Borden Parker Bowne (1897)
"First, if scepticism is not to be pure arbitrariness and ipsedixitism, it must be supported by reasons. Belief and unbelief alike, as subjective facts, ..."

16. Idola Theatri: A Criticism of Oxford Thought and Thinkers from the by Henry Cecil Sturt, ( (1906)
"Analyse valuation to its ultimate terms and we see that, in the last resort, it is what Bentham disliked so much, ' ipsedixitism': we cannot appeal to any ..."

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