Definition of Lower

1. Verb. Move something or somebody to a lower position. "They lower the bags on the table"; "Take down the vase from the shelf"

Exact synonyms: Bring Down, Get Down, Let Down, Take Down
Generic synonyms: Displace, Move
Causes: Come Down, Descend, Fall, Go Down
Specialized synonyms: Reef, Depress, Dip, Incline
Derivative terms: Lowering
Antonyms: Raise

2. Noun. The lower of two berths.
Exact synonyms: Lower Berth
Generic synonyms: Berth, Built In Bed, Bunk

3. Verb. Set lower. "Lower expectations"
Exact synonyms: Lour
Generic synonyms: Devalue
Specialized synonyms: Derate, Subdue, Subordinate

4. Verb. Make lower or quieter. "Turn down the volume of a radio"
Exact synonyms: Lour, Turn Down
Generic synonyms: Decrease, Lessen, Minify
Derivative terms: Lowering

5. Verb. Cause to drop or sink. "The lack of rain had depressed the water level in the reservoir"
Exact synonyms: Depress
Generic synonyms: Alter, Change, Modify
Derivative terms: Depressor, Lowering

6. Verb. Look angry or sullen, wrinkle one's forehead, as if to signal disapproval.
Exact synonyms: Frown, Glower, Lour
Specialized synonyms: Scowl
Generic synonyms: Grimace, Make A Face, Pull A Face
Derivative terms: Frown, Glower

Definition of Lower

1. a. Compar. of Low, a.

2. v. t. To let descend by its own weight, as something suspended; to let down; as, to lower a bucket into a well; to lower a sail or a boat; sometimes, to pull down; as, to lower a flag.

3. v. i. To fall; to sink; to grow less; to diminish; to decrease; as, the river lowered as rapidly as it rose.

4. v. i. To be dark, gloomy, and threatening, as clouds; to be covered with dark and threatening clouds, as the sky; to show threatening signs of approach, as a tempest.

5. n. Cloudiness; gloominess.

Definition of Lower

1. Adjective. (comparative of low#Adjective low) ¹

2. Adverb. (comparative of low POS=adverb) ¹

3. Verb. (transitive) To let descend by its own weight, as something suspended; to let down ¹

4. Verb. (transitive) to pull down ¹

5. Verb. (transitive) To reduce the height of ¹

6. Verb. (transitive) To depress as to direction ¹

7. Verb. (transitive) To make less elevated ¹

8. Verb. (transitive) To reduce the degree, intensity, strength, etc., of ¹

9. Verb. (transitive) To bring down; to humble ¹

10. Verb. (reflexive) ('''lower oneself''') To humble oneself; to do something one considers to be beneath one's dignity. ¹

11. Verb. (transitive) To reduce (something) in value, amount, etc. ¹

12. Verb. (intransitive) To fall; to sink; to grow less; to diminish; to decrease ¹

13. Verb. (intransitive) To decrease in value, amount, etc. ¹

14. Verb. (intransitive) To be dark, gloomy, and threatening, as clouds; to be covered with dark and threatening clouds, as the sky; to show threatening signs of approach, as a tempest. ¹

15. Verb. (intransitive) To frown; to look sullen. ¹

¹ Source:

Definition of Lower

1. to appear dark and threatening [v -ED, -ING, -S]

Lexicographical Neighbors of Lower

lowbush blueberries
lowbush blueberry
lowbush cranberry
lowbush penstemon
lower (current term)
lower-case letter
lower 48
lower GI series
lower abdominal periosteal reflex
lower airway
lower alveolar point
lower back
lower berth
lower body negative pressure
lower bound

Literary usage of Lower

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Proceedings by Philadelphia County Medical Society (1896)
"HALF OF THE lower JAW REMOVED FOR EPITHELIOMA. W. JOSEPH HEARN, MD [Read January 22,18%.] I wish to present this specimen as an example of the sad results ..."

2. Psychology, General Introduction by Charles Hubbard Judd (1917)
"Movements sometimes normal in hypnosis, because the lower centers are not dissociated. In the meantime, it is necessary to add a few comments on the motor ..."

3. Bulletin by Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey (1900)
"shore of lake Superior and to which the name Lake Superior sandstone has been applied. The lower Keweenawan rocks are the ones which contain the •copper ..."

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