Definition of Questioning

1. Adjective. Perplexed (as if being expected to know something that you do not know). "He had a quizzical expression"

Exact synonyms: Quizzical
Similar to: Perplexed

2. Noun. A request for information.
Exact synonyms: Inquiring
Generic synonyms: Asking, Request
Specialized synonyms: Challenge, Enquiry, Inquiry, Interrogation, Query, Question, Examination, Interrogation, Interrogatory
Derivative terms: Inquire, Inquire, Question, Question

3. Adjective. Marked by or given to doubt. "A skeptical listener"
Exact synonyms: Doubting, Sceptical, Skeptical
Similar to: Distrustful
Derivative terms: Sceptic, Scepticism, Skeptic, Skepticism, Skepticism

4. Adjective. Showing curiosity. "Raised a speculative eyebrow"
Exact synonyms: Inquisitive, Speculative, Wondering
Similar to: Curious
Derivative terms: Inquire, Inquisitiveness, Speculate

Definition of Questioning

1. Noun. The action of asking questions; a survey; an inquiry. ¹

2. Noun. The act of challenging, wondering and doubting. ¹

3. Adjective. Characterized by questions, inquisitiveness, doubt or wonder. ¹

4. Verb. (present participle of question) ¹

¹ Source:

Definition of Questioning

1. question [v] - See also: question

Lexicographical Neighbors of Questioning

question master
question of fact
question of law
question sheet
question the question
question time
questioning (current term)

Literary usage of Questioning

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. American Annals of the Deaf by Conference of Executives of American Schools for the Deaf (1911)
"THE ART OF questioning AND ITS VALUE. THE following story has been told before, but for present purposes it may be permissible to tell it again. ..."

2. School Management: Including a Full Discussion of School Economy, School by Albert Newton Raub (1898)
"The Art of questioning. questioning is an important part of every valuable method of recitation, and the teacher who best understands the art of questioning ..."

3. School Management: Including a Full Discussion of School Economy, School by Albert Newton Raub (1882)
"questioning is an important part of every valuable method of recitation, and the teacher who best understands the art of questioning will in general succeed ..."

4. Guided Reading Basics: Organizing, Managing and Implementing a Balanced by Lori Rog (2003)
"Three-level questioning Many of our students beyond primary levels can decode easily and even comprehend literally, but struggle when the text requires ..."

5. Education, a First Book by Edward Lee Thorndike (1912)
"questioning Telling is, however, certainly only a small part of teaching. A man who could state facts with perfect lucidity, in the clearest and most ..."

6. Handbook of Practice for Teachers: Practical Directions for Management and by Charles Alexander McMurry (1914)
"questioning questioning is the most important instrument used by the teacher in ... Teachers usually drop into the questioning habit freely and unreservedly ..."

7. English Poetry (1170-1892). by John Matthews Manley (1907)
"PENSANDO S'INVECCHIA " To spend uncounted years of pain, Again, again, and yet again, In working out in heart and brain THE questioning SPIRIT The human ..."

8. Torture and Ill-Treatment: Israel's Interrogation of Palestinians from the by Human Rights Watch/Middle East (1994)
"DURING VERSUS BETWEEN questioning SESSIONS The typical image of an interrogation, ... Methods used before and between questioning sessions are aimed at ..."

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