Definition of Scourge

1. Verb. Punish severely; excoriate.

Generic synonyms: Penalise, Penalize, Punish
Derivative terms: Scourger

2. Noun. A whip used to inflict punishment (often used for pedantic humor).
Exact synonyms: Flagellum
Generic synonyms: Whip
Derivative terms: Flagellate

3. Verb. Whip. "The religious fanatics flagellated themselves"
Exact synonyms: Flagellate
Generic synonyms: Flog, Lash, Lather, Slash, Strap, Trounce, Welt, Whip
Derivative terms: Flagellant, Flagellant, Flagellation, Flagellum, Scourger

4. Noun. Something causing misery or death. "The bane of my life"
Exact synonyms: Bane, Curse, Nemesis
Generic synonyms: Affliction

5. Verb. Cause extensive destruction or ruin utterly. "The enemy lay waste to the countryside after the invasion"
Exact synonyms: Desolate, Devastate, Lay Waste To, Ravage, Waste
Generic synonyms: Destroy, Ruin
Specialized synonyms: Ruin
Derivative terms: Desolation, Desolation, Desolation, Devastation, Devastation, Devastation, Devastation, Ravage, Ravaging, Waster

6. Noun. A person who inspires fear or dread. "He was the terror of the neighborhood"
Exact synonyms: Terror, Threat
Generic synonyms: Individual, Mortal, Person, Somebody, Someone, Soul
Derivative terms: Terrorist

Definition of Scourge

1. n. A lash; a strap or cord; especially, a lash used to inflict pain or punishment; an instrument of punishment or discipline; a whip.

2. v. t. To whip severely; to lash.

Definition of Scourge

1. Noun. A persistent pest, illness, or source of trouble, (figurative) cause of suffering to people. ¹

2. Noun. A whip often of leather. ¹

3. Verb. To strike with a ''scourge''. ¹

¹ Source:

Definition of Scourge

1. to punish severely [v SCOURGED, SCOURGING, SCOURGES]

Medical Definition of Scourge

1. 1. A lash; a strap or cord; especially, a lash used to inflict pain or punishment; an instrument of punishment or discipline; a whip. "Up to coach then goes The observed maid, takes both the scourge and reins." (Chapman) 2. Hence, a means of inflicting punishment, vengeance, or suffering; an infliction of affliction; a punishment. "Sharp scourges of adversity." (Chaucer) "What scourge for perjury Can this dark monarchy afford false Clarence?" (Shak) Origin: F. Escourgee, fr. L. Excoriata (sc. Scutica) a stripped off (lash or whip), fr. Excoriate to strip, to skin. See Excoriate. 1. To whip severely; to lash. "is it lawful for you to scourge a . . . Roman?" (Acts xxii. 25) 2. To punish with severity; to chastise; to afflict, as for sins or faults, and with the purpose of correction. "Whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth." (Heb. Xii. 6) 3. To harass or afflict severely. "To scourge and impoverish the people." (Brougham) Origin: From Scourge,: cf. OF. Escorgier. Source: Websters Dictionary (01 Mar 1998)

Lexicographical Neighbors of Scourge

scourer pad
scourer pads
scourge (current term)
scouring pad
scouring pads
scouring powder
scouring powders

Literary usage of Scourge

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. The Wide-awake Gift: A Know-Nothing Token for 1855 by One of 'em (1855)
"THE SILENT scourge. ... All ears are open to hear, all eyes are staring to see, and all tongues are questioning the course of the silent scourge that has ..."

2. Sea Power in Its Relations to the War of 1812 by Alfred Thayer Mahan (1905)
"In 1813 two privateers, the "scourge" of New York and " Rattlesnake " of Philadelphia, ... The " scourge " appears to have been singularly fortunate, ..."

3. English Writers: An Attempt Towards a History of English Literature by Henry Morley, William Hall Griffin (1893)
"In Marston's series of satires called " The scourge of Villanie," which followed at the end of the ... The young author offers his ~t Detrac. ir scourge of ..."

4. Mormonism and the Mormons: A Historical View of the Rise and Progress of the by Daniel Parish Kidder (1844)
"And the Lord God said unto me, [Nephi,] They shall be a scourge unto thy seed, to stir them up in remembrance of me; and they shall scourge them even unto ..."

5. A Greek and English Lexicon of the New Testament by Edward Robinson (1836)
"... Lat. flagel- ¡um, ie a whip, scourge, John 2: 15. ... ie to flagellate, to scourge, с. асе. Matt. 27: 26. Mark 15: 15. — Test. XII Patr. p. ..."

6. Christian Non-resistance, in All Its Important Bearings, Illustrated and by Adin Ballou (1846)
"THE scourge OF SMALL CORDS. "And Jesus went up to Jerusalem, ... And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple, ..."

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