Definition of Shield

1. Verb. Protect, hide, or conceal from danger or harm.

Exact synonyms: Screen
Generic synonyms: Protect
Derivative terms: Screen, Screen, Screen, Screening, Shielder, Shielding

2. Noun. A protective covering or structure.

3. Verb. Hold back a thought or feeling about. "She is harboring a grudge against him"
Exact synonyms: Harbor, Harbour
Generic synonyms: Conceal, Hide

4. Noun. Armor carried on the arm to intercept blows.
Exact synonyms: Buckler
Generic synonyms: Armor, Armour
Specialized synonyms: Escutcheon, Scutcheon, Pavis, Pavise

5. Noun. Hard outer covering or case of certain organisms such as arthropods and turtles.
Exact synonyms: Carapace, Cuticle, Shell
Group relationships: Turtle, Arthropod, Mollusc, Mollusk, Shellfish
Specialized synonyms: Cuticula
Generic synonyms: Scute
Terms within: Shell
Derivative terms: Cuticular

Definition of Shield

1. n. A broad piece of defensive armor, carried on the arm, -- formerly in general use in war, for the protection of the body. See Buckler.

2. v. t. To cover with, or as with, a shield; to cover from danger; to defend; to protect from assault or injury.

Definition of Shield

1. Noun. A broad piece of defensive armor, carried on the arm, formerly in general use in war, for the protection of the body. ¹

2. Noun. Anything which protects or defends; defense; shelter; protection. ¹

3. Noun. Figuratively, one who protects or defends. ¹

4. Noun. (botany) In lichens, a hardened cup or disk surrounded by a rim and containing the fructification, or asci. ¹

5. Noun. (heraldry) The escutcheon or field on which are placed the bearings in coats of arms. ¹

6. Noun. (geology) A large expanse of exposed stable Precambrian rock. ¹

7. Noun. (mining) A framework used to protect workmen in making an adit under ground, and capable of being pushed along as excavation progresses. ¹

8. Noun. A spot resembling, or having the form of a shield. ¹

9. Noun. (quote-book passage=Bespotted as with '''shields''' of red and black. author=Edmund Spenser title=The Faerie Queene year=1590) ¹

10. Noun. (obsolete) A coin, the old French crown, or écu, having on one side the figure of a shield. ¹

11. Noun. (science fiction) A field of energy which protects or defends. ¹

12. Noun. (colloquial law enforcement) A police badge ¹

13. Noun. (transport) A sign or symbol, usually containing numbers and sometimes letters, identifying a highway route. ¹

14. Verb. To protect, to defend. ¹

15. Verb. (electricity) to protect from the influence of ¹

¹ Source:

Definition of Shield

1. to provide with a protective cover or shelter [v -ED, -ING, -S]

Medical Definition of Shield

1. 1. To cover with, or as with, a shield; to cover from danger; to defend; to protect from assault or injury. "Shouts of applause ran ringing through the field, To see the son the vanquished father shield." (Dryden) "A woman's shape doth shield thee." (Shak) 2. To ward off; to keep off or out. "They brought with them their usual weeds, fit to shield the cold to which they had been inured." (Spenser) 3. To avert, as a misfortune; hence, as a supplicatory exclamation, forbid! "God shield that it should so befall." (Chaucer) "God shield I should disturb devotion!" (Shak) Origin: AS. Scidan, scyldan. See Shield. 1. A broad piece of defensive armor, carried on the arm, formerly in general use in war, for the protection of the body. See Buckler. "Now put your shields before your hearts and fight, With hearts more proof than shields." (Shak) 2. Anything which protects or defends; defense; shelter; protection. "My council is my shield." 3. Figuratively, one who protects or defends. "Fear not, Abram; I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward." (Gen. Xv. 1) 4. In lichens, a Hardened cup or disk surrounded by a rim and containing the fructification, or asci. 5. The escutcheon or field on which are placed the bearings in coats of arms. Cf. Lozenge. 6. A framework used to protect workmen in making an adit under ground, and capable of being pushed along as excavation progresses. 7. A spot resembling, or having the form of, a shield. "Bespotted as with shields of red and black." 8. A coin, the old French crown, or ecu, having on one side the figure of a shield. Shield fern, any fern of the genus Aspidium, in which the fructifications are covered with shield-shaped indusia; called also wood fern. Origin: OE. Sheld, scheld, AS. Scield, scild, sceld, scyld; akin to OS. Scild, OFries. Skeld, D. & G. Schild, OHG. Scilt, Icel. Skjoldr, Sw. Skold, Dan. Skiold, Goth. Skildus; of uncertain origin. Cf. Sheldrake. Source: Websters Dictionary (01 Mar 1998)

Lexicographical Neighbors of Shield

shied away
shied away from
shield (current term)
shield beetle
shield bug
shield bugs
shield fern
shield law
shield volcano

Literary usage of Shield

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Harper's Dictionary of Classical Literature and Antiquities by Harry Thurston Peck (1897)
"Achilles' shield is composed entirely of metal in five plates—two of bronzo ... Agamemnon's shield is studded with twenty bosses of tin and a central one of ..."

2. The Rebellion Record: A Diary of American Events, with Documents, Narratives by Frank Moore, Edward Everett (1862)
"The low of a shield was regarded as peculiarly disgraceful by the Greek soldiers. ... Return with thy shield, my son, or upon it," was the heroic injunction ..."

3. The Connoisseur by Bonnell Thornton, George Colman, Mr Town, George Lyttelton Lyttelton (1902)
"Some have even declared that it is the shield of Scipio Africanus, ... It is a shield in one piece, inlaid in black repoussé, and damascened in gold. ..."

4. Morte Darthur: Sir Thomas Malory's Book of King Arthur and His Noble Knights by Sir Thomas Malory (1868)
"Anon a monk led him behind an altar where the shield hung as white as any snow, but in the midst was a red cross. Sir, said the monk, this shield ought not ..."

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