Definition of Spoon

1. Verb. Scoop up or take up with a spoon. "The women spoon water into the bowl"; "Spoon the sauce over the roast"

Generic synonyms: Remove, Take, Take Away, Withdraw
Entails: Immerse, Plunge

2. Noun. A piece of cutlery with a shallow bowl-shaped container and a handle; used to stir or serve or take up food.

3. Verb. Snuggle and lie in a position where one person faces the back of the others.
Exact synonyms: Smooch
Generic synonyms: Make Out, Neck
Derivative terms: Smooch, Smooching

4. Noun. As much as a spoon will hold. "He added two spoons of sugar"
Exact synonyms: Spoonful
Generic synonyms: Containerful

5. Noun. Formerly a golfing wood with an elevated face.
Generic synonyms: Wood

Definition of Spoon

1. v. i. See Spoom.

2. n. An implement consisting of a small bowl (usually a shallow oval) with a handle, used especially in preparing or eating food.

3. v. t. To take up in, or as in, a spoon.

4. v. i. To act with demonstrative or foolish fondness, as one in love.

5. n. A wooden club with a lofted face.

6. v. t. To catch by fishing with a spoon bait.

7. v. i. To fish with a spoon bait.

Definition of Spoon

1. Noun. An implement for eating or serving; a scooped utensil whose long handle is straight, in contrast to a ladle. ¹

2. Noun. An implement for stirring food while being prepared; a wooden spoon. ¹

3. Noun. A measure that will fit into a spoon; a spoonful. ¹

4. Noun. (sports archaic) A wooden-headed golf club with moderate loft, similar to the modern three wood. ¹

5. Noun. (fishing) A type of metal lure resembling the concave head of a table spoon. ¹

6. Noun. (dentistry informal) A spoon excavator. ¹

7. Noun. (figuratively) A simpleton, a spooney. ¹

8. Verb. To serve using a spoon. ¹

9. Verb. (intransitive dated) To flirt; to make advances; to court, to interact romantically or amorously. ¹

10. Verb. (intransitive informal of persons) To lie nestled closely together front-to-back, following the contours of ones' bodies, in a manner reminiscent of stacked spoons fitting within one another in a drawer. (Usually has a sexual connotation.) ¹

11. Verb. ¹

12. Verb. (nautical) To turn to port and starboard erratically for short periods of time, in the manner of a sailing boat heading nearly directly into a shifting wind. ¹

¹ Source:

Definition of Spoon

1. to take up with a spoon (a type of eating utensil) [v -ED, -ING, -S]

Medical Definition of Spoon

1. 1. An implement consisting of a small bowl (usually a shallow oval) with a handle, used especially in preparing or eating food. ""Therefore behoveth him a full long spoon That shall eat with a fiend," thus heard I say." (Chaucer) "He must have a long spoon that must eat with the devil." (Shak) 2. Anything which resembles a spoon in shape; especially. A spoon bait. 3. A simpleton; a spooney. Spoon bait, a lure used in trolling, consisting of a glistening metallic plate shaped like the bowl of a spoon with a fishhook attached. Spoon bit, a bit for boring, hollowed or furrowed along one side. Spoon net, a net for landing fish. Spoon oar. See under Oar. Origin: OE. Spon, AS. Spn, a chip; akin to D. Spaan, G. Span, Dan. Spaan, Sw. Span, Icel. Spann, sponn, a chip, a spoon. Cf. Span-new. Source: Websters Dictionary (01 Mar 1998)

Lexicographical Neighbors of Spoon

spooky action at a distance
spool cannon
spool cannons
spoon bowl
spoon bowls
spoon bread
spoon excavator
spoon excavators

Literary usage of Spoon

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. The Yale Literary Magazine by Lyman Hotchkiss Bagg, Yale University (1869)
"spoon Addresses— 6. Presentation, James GK McClure, Albany, NY 7. Reception, Henry Augustus Cleveland, New Haven, Conn.—8. Music, " Visions in a Dream," ..."

2. United States Supreme Court Reports by Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company, United States Supreme Court (1912)
"Docs any purchaser of a spoon sold as a plated article for fifty cents, ... Does a purchaser, when buying я plated spoon which is marked and sold as the ..."

3. Home Life in Colonial Days by Alice Morse Earle (1898)
"Pewter spoon and spoon Mould A still more universal spoon material was alchymy ... The vulgar affirmation, " By the great horn spoon," has perpetuated their ..."

4. The Antiquities of Tennessee and the Adjacent States, and the State of by Gates Phillips Thruston (1890)
"A shell spoon of another type is illustrated in Fig. 220. ... The original vessel is a much better imitation of the spoon form than the engraving. ..."

5. Transactions of the Society, Instituted at London, for the Encouragement of by Society of Arts (Great Britain, Royal Society of Arts (Great Britain) (1827)
"spoon FOR ADMINISTERING MEDICINE. The SILVER Is is MEDAL was presented to Mr. G. GIBSON, 71, Bishopsgate Street, for a spoon for administering Medicine, ..."

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