Definition of Squat

1. Adjective. Short and thick; as e.g. having short legs and heavy musculature. "A stumpy ungainly figure"

Exact synonyms: Chunky, Dumpy, Low-set, Squatty, Stumpy
Similar to: Little, Short
Derivative terms: Dumpiness, Squatness, Squattiness

2. Verb. Sit on one's heels. "There squat some children in the rocking chair"; "The children hunkered down to protect themselves from the sandstorm"
Exact synonyms: Crouch, Hunker, Hunker Down, Scrunch, Scrunch Up
Generic synonyms: Sit, Sit Down
Derivative terms: Squatting

3. Noun. Exercising by repeatedly assuming a crouching position with the knees bent; strengthens the leg muscles.
Exact synonyms: Knee Bend, Squatting
Generic synonyms: Leg Exercise

4. Adjective. Having a low center of gravity; built low to the ground.
Exact synonyms: Underslung
Similar to: Low
Derivative terms: Squatness

5. Verb. Be close to the earth, or be disproportionately wide. "The building squatted low"
Generic synonyms: Be

6. Noun. A small worthless amount. "You don't know jack"

7. Verb. Occupy (a dwelling) illegally.
Generic synonyms: Lodge In, Occupy, Reside
Derivative terms: Squatter

8. Noun. The act of assuming or maintaining a crouching position with the knees bent and the buttocks near the heels.
Exact synonyms: Squatting
Generic synonyms: Motility, Motion, Move, Movement

Definition of Squat

1. n. The angel fish (Squatina angelus).

2. v. i. To sit down upon the hams or heels; as, the savages squatted near the fire.

3. v. t. To bruise or make flat by a fall.

4. a. Sitting on the hams or heels; sitting close to the ground; cowering; crouching.

5. n. The posture of one that sits on his heels or hams, or close to the ground.

Definition of Squat

1. Adjective. Relatively short or low and thick or broad ¹

2. Noun. A position assumed by bending deeply at the knees while resting on one's feet. ¹

3. Noun. (weightlifting): A specific exercise in weightlifting performed by bending deeply at the knees and then rising, especially with a barbell resting across the shoulders. ¹

4. Noun. A toilet used by squatting as opposed to sitting (Wikipedia entry). ¹

5. Noun. A building occupied without permission, as practiced by a squatter. ¹

6. Noun. (slang) Something of no value; nothing. ¹

7. Noun. (obsolete) A sudden or crushing fall. ¹

8. Noun. (mining) A small vein of ore. ¹

9. Noun. A mineral consisting of tin ore and spar. ¹

10. Verb. To bend deeply at the knees while resting on one's feet. ¹

11. Verb. (weightlifting) To exercise by bending deeply at the knees and then rising, while bearing weight across the shoulders or upper back. ¹

12. Verb. To occupy or reside in a place without the permission of the owner. ¹

¹ Source:

Definition of Squat

1. short and thick [adj SQUATTER, SQUATTEST] : SQUATLY [adv] / to sit on one's heels [v SQUATTED, SQUATTING, SQUATS]

Medical Definition of Squat

1. The angel fish (Squatina angelus). 1. The posture of one that sits on his heels or hams, or close to the ground. 2. A sudden or crushing fall. 3. A small vein of ore. A mineral consisting of tin ore and spar. 4. Squat snipe, the jacksnipe; called also squatter. (10 Mar 1998)

Lexicographical Neighbors of Squat

squat (current term)
squat thrust
squat thrusts
squat toilet

Literary usage of Squat

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. An Etymological Dictionary of the English Language by Walter William Skeat (1893)
"It is important also to note that qua/ is used in the same sense as squat; indeed, in the Glossary to the Exmoor Scolding, the word squat is explained by ..."

2. A Dictionary of the English Language: In which the Words are Deduced from by Samuel Johnson, Henry John Todd, Alexander Chalmers (1824)
"To squat. »-. a. To bruise or make flat by let- Milton. ... (" squat. «..v. Tlie po>tmv of cowering or lying close to another, as those of an animal con- ..."

3. Gymnastic Teaching by William Skarstrom (1921)
"Half squat half straddle mount left and right, rising dismount. Knee vault. ... squat mount, dismount forward. Repeat with rising dismount ..."

4. Gymnastic Teaching by William Skarstrom (1921)
"Half squat half straddle mount left and right, rising dismount. Knee vault. ... squat mount; rising dismount forward with side-flinging of arms and legs. ..."

5. The Gilded Age by Mark Twain, Charles Dudley Warner (1874)
"of gleaming water, on your left, with a sail here and there and a lunatic asylum on shore ; over beyond the water, on a distant elevation, you see a squat ..."

6. Corinthian Hellenistic Pottery by G. Roger Edwards (1975)
"... criteria for dating can be suggested only when sufficient examples and further evidence are available. SHAPE HISTORIES VESSELS FOR OIL OR PERFUME squat ..."

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