Medical Definition of Bacterial conjugation

1. The process of transferring a certain plasmid of DNA known as the f plasmid (or sex plasmid) from bacteria individuals who have it (known as males) to bacteria individuals who do not already have it (known as females) by way of direct contact between the bacteria individuals called a conjugation bridge. Once transfer is completed, the female individual becomes a male individual and both parties have a copy of the F plasmid. (09 Oct 1997)

Lexicographical Neighbors of Bacterial Conjugation

bacteria family
bacteria genus
bacteria order
bacteria species
bacterial adhesion
bacterial allergy
bacterial antagonism
bacterial capsule
bacterial capsules
bacterial cast
bacterial chemotaxis
bacterial conjunctivitis
bacterial cystitis
bacterial encephalitis
bacterial endarteritis
bacterial endocarditis
bacterial endospore
bacterial flagella
bacterial flora
bacterial food poisoning
bacterial growth
bacterial infection
bacterial infections
bacterial infections and mycoses
bacterial interference

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