Definition of Classism

1. Noun. Discrimination or prejudice that is based on social class. ¹

¹ Source:

Definition of Classism

1. discrimination based on social class [n -S]

Literary usage of Classism

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. The Laborer and His Hire by Imelda Maud Shanklin (1900)
"classism are those existing to-day, and how much they owe their survival down to the ... Greed and classism is the danger signal they have flaunted by. ..."

2. The American Ten Years' War, 1855-1865 by Denton Jaques Snider (1906)
"This tendency of the South to classism had not escaped the observation of Lincoln, who had inculcated that all the States and all the People of the States ..."

3. The Wilson Administration and the Great War by Ernest William Young (1922)
"Organized classism was losing ground, though the railroad men felt that they had chosen a most propitious time—when the country was in the grip of an ..."

4. Leading Cases of the Court of Civil Appeals of the State of Tennessee: With by Jos C Higgins, Tennessee Court of Civil Appeals, Court of Civil Appeals, Tennessee (1914)
"... from individuality to classism and solidarity, to a dull dead level of dispensation of charity upon the one hand and recipients of pensions and bounties ..."

5. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting (1902)
"Association of races and classes is necessary in order to destroy racism and classism. Almost all the humanitarian and Government contrivances for the ..."

6. The American Journal of International Law by American Society of International Law (1919)
"It is equally imperative that within the nation Individualism should not be subordinated to classism. Individualism has been the great impulse to progress ..."

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