Definition of Spermatheca

1. n. A small sac connected with the female reproductive organs of insects and many other invertebrates, serving to receive and retain the spermatozoa.

Definition of Spermatheca

1. Noun. (anatomy) A small sac within the reproductive tract of some female invertebrates, such as insects, which stores sperm until it is used to fertilize the ova. ¹

¹ Source:

Definition of Spermatheca

1. [n -CAE]

Medical Definition of Spermatheca

1. A small sac connected with the female reproductive organs of insects and many other invertebrates, serving to receive and retain the spermatozoa. Origin: NL, from Gr. Seed + case, or receptacle. Source: Websters Dictionary (01 Mar 1998)

Literary usage of Spermatheca

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. An Introduction to Entomology by John Henry Comstock (1920)
"The spermatheca.—The spermatheca is a sac for the storage of the seminal fluid ... At the time an egg is laid a spermatozoan may pass from the spermatheca, ..."

2. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, 4th Series by California academy of sciences (1899)
"Another spermatheca from the same specimen as the last. ... Two spermatheca. The former from a specimen from the city of Mexico, the latter from Morelos ..."

3. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences by California Academy of Sciences (1899)
"spermatheca. Fig. 169. Apex of two penial setae from the same sac. ... A spermatheca. Fig. 171. Another spermatheca from the same specimen as the last. ..."

4. A Text-book of Entomology: Including the Anatomy, Physiology, Embryology and by Alpheus Spring Packard (1898)
"T ,-, ji The spermatheca. — This is a sac or pouch for the reception and storage or preservation of the semen. While in most of the higher insects it opens ..."

5. Studies on the Enchytracidae of North America by Paul Smith Welch (1913)
"11 (12) spermatheca not connecting with digestive tract, straight and more or less covered throughout its entire length with small glandular cells; ..."

6. General Outline of the Organisation of the Animal Kingdom by Thomas Rymer Jones (1855)
"These are of two kinds; the gluten-secretors and the spermatheca. The gluten-secretors (fig. 174, p, p) are glandular c»ca opening into the common egg-canal ..."

7. General Outline of the Organisation of the Animal Kingdom by Thomas Rymer Jones (1855)
"The other organ, or spermatheca (fig. 174, n, o), has a widely different office, being a receptacle provided to receive the seminal secretion of the male ..."

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