Medical Definition of Total pelvic exenteration

1. Removal of the urinary bladder, lower parts of the ureter, vagina, uterus, adnexa, rectum, anus, and adjacent lymph nodes; a colostomy and urinary diversion are necessary. Synonym: Brunschwig's operation. (05 Mar 2000)

Lexicographical Neighbors of Total Pelvic Exenteration

total internal reflexions
total iron binding capacity
total joint arthroplasty
total keratoplasty
total knee joint replacement
total loss
total lung capacity
total mastectomy
total necrosis
total or partial anomalous pulmonary venous connections
total order
total ordering relation
total ordering relations
total orders
total parenteral nutrition
total peripheral resistance
total placenta previa
total push therapy
total quality management
total recall
total refractory period
total return swap
total revenue
total revenues
total sclerectasia
total spinal anaesthesia
total suspended particulates
total suspended solids
total synechia

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