How do you say match in Spanish?
— cerilla (f); fósforo (m); Fósforo (utensilio)

Related synonyms for match in Spanish
meetencontrar; encontrarse
twingemelo (m), mellizo (m) (strictly speaking, 'gemelo' is only for monozygotic siblings, whereas dizygotic siblings should always be called 'mellizos'), cuate (m) (Mexico - dizygotic sibling), cuache (m) (Guatemala - dizygotic sibling), guacho (Honduras), g
Specialized synonyms for match in Spanish
answerrespuesta (f)
meetencontrar; encontrarse
squareplaza (f)
twingemelo (m), mellizo (m) (strictly speaking, 'gemelo' is only for monozygotic siblings, whereas dizygotic siblings should always be called 'mellizos'), cuate (m) (Mexico - dizygotic sibling), cuache (m) (Guatemala - dizygotic sibling), guacho (Honduras), g
Generic synonyms for match in Spanish
changecambio (m); modificación (f); mutación (f); evolución (f)
facecara (f); faz (f); rostro (m)
familyfamilia (f)
personpersona (f)
someonealguien; alguno
soulalma (f)
Related verbs for match in Spanish
twingemelo (m), mellizo (m) (strictly speaking, 'gemelo' is only for monozygotic siblings, whereas dizygotic siblings should always be called 'mellizos'), cuate (m) (Mexico - dizygotic sibling), cuache (m) (Guatemala - dizygotic sibling), guacho (Honduras), g
Derivative terms for match in Spanish
equationecuación (f)