Definition of Common

1. Adjective. Belonging to or participated in by a community as a whole; public. "Common lands are set aside for use by all members of a community"

Attributes: Commonality, Commonness
Similar to: Communal, Public
Also: Joint
Derivative terms: Commonality, Commonness
Antonyms: Individual

2. Noun. A piece of open land for recreational use in an urban area. "They went for a walk in the park"
Exact synonyms: Commons, Green, Park
Specialized synonyms: Amusement Park, Funfair, Pleasure Ground, Village Green
Generic synonyms: Parcel, Parcel Of Land, Piece Of Ground, Piece Of Land, Tract
Group relationships: Populated Area, Urban Area
Specialized synonyms: Central Park

3. Adjective. Having no special distinction or quality; widely known or commonly encountered; average or ordinary or usual. "A common brand of soap"

4. Adjective. Common to or shared by two or more parties. "The mutual interests of management and labor"
Exact synonyms: Mutual
Similar to: Shared
Derivative terms: Commonality, Commonness, Mutuality, Mutuality

5. Adjective. Commonly encountered. "The usual greeting"
Exact synonyms: Usual
Similar to: Familiar
Derivative terms: Commonality, Commonness, Usualness

6. Adjective. Being or characteristic of or appropriate to everyday language. "The technical and vulgar names for an animal species"
Exact synonyms: Vernacular, Vulgar
Similar to: Informal
Derivative terms: Commonness, Vernacular

7. Adjective. Of or associated with the great masses of people. "The unwashed masses"
Exact synonyms: Plebeian, Unwashed, Vulgar
Similar to: Lowborn
Derivative terms: Commonality, Commonness, Pleb, Plebeian, Vulgarize

8. Adjective. Of low or inferior quality or value. "Produced...the common cloths used by the poorer population"
Exact synonyms: Coarse
Similar to: Inferior
Derivative terms: Commonness

9. Adjective. Lacking refinement or cultivation or taste. "The vulgar display of the newly rich"

10. Adjective. To be expected; standard. "Common decency"
Similar to: Ordinary
Derivative terms: Commonality, Commonness

Definition of Common

1. a. Belonging or relating equally, or similarly, to more than one; as, you and I have a common interest in the property.

2. n. The people; the community.

3. v. i. To converse together; to discourse; to confer.

Definition of Common

1. Adjective. Mutual; shared by more than one. ¹

2. Adjective. Occurring or happening regularly or frequently; usual. ¹

3. Adjective. Found in large numbers or in a large quantity. ¹

4. Adjective. Simple, ordinary or vulgar. ¹

5. Adjective. (grammar) In some languages, particularly Germanic languages, of the gender originating from the coalescence of the masculine and feminine categories of nouns. ¹

6. Adjective. Of or pertaining to uncapitalized nouns in English, i.e., common nouns vs. proper nouns ¹

7. Adjective. vernacular, referring to the name of a kind of plant or animal, i.e., common name vs. scientific name ¹

8. Noun. Mutual good, shared by more than one. ¹

9. Noun. A tract of land in common ownership; common land. ¹

10. Verb. (obsolete) To communicate (something). ¹

11. Verb. (obsolete) To converse, talk. ¹

12. Verb. (obsolete) To have sex. ¹

¹ Source:

Definition of Common

1. ordinary [adj -MONER, -MONEST] / a tract of publicly used land [n -S] - See also: ordinary

Lexicographical Neighbors of Common

commodity brokerage
commodity chemical
commodity exchange
commodity exchanges
commodity market
commodity meat
commodore admiral
commodore admirals
common-law marriage
common-source epidemic
common American shad
common European ash
common European dogwood
common European earwig

Literary usage of Common

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Pelicotetics, Or, The Science of Quantity: Or, The Science of Quantity. An by Archibald Sandeman (1868)
"Any common measure of two whole expressions is a measure both of their sum and of t/ieir difference. For if m be any common measure of two whole expressions ..."

2. Leviathan, Or, The Matter, Forme & Power of a Commonwealth, Ecclesiasticall by Thomas Hobbes (1651)
"T Hough nothing can be immortall, which mortals make; yet, if men had the use of reason they pretend to, their common-wealths might be secured, at least, ..."

3. Commentaries on American Law by James Kent (1848)
"this was all that any tenant could, in common justice, have required, before the provision of the statute. It is now well settled in the English law, ..."

4. The Iliad of Homer by Homer (1796)
"muft not contribute *: as in the moft regular gardens, Art can only reduce the beauties of Nature to more regularity, and fuch a figure, which the common ..."

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