Definition of Massy

1. a. Compacted into, or consisting of, a mass; having bulk and weight or substance; ponderous; bulky and heavy; weighty; heavy; as, a massy shield; a massy rock.

Definition of Massy

1. Adjective. Heavy; massive. ¹

2. Noun. (dialect form of mercy) ¹

3. Noun. (dialect form of master) ¹

¹ Source:

Definition of Massy

1. massive [adj MASSIER, MASSIEST] - See also: massive

Lexicographical Neighbors of Massy

mast cell
mast cell leukaemia
mast cells
mast climbing
mast leukocyte
mast seeding

Literary usage of Massy

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Great Speeches by Great Lawyers: A Collection of Arguments and Speeches by William Lamartine Snyder (1901)
"The famous case of massy v. The Marquis of Headfort, tried at the Ennis ... Charles massy was the second son of a gentleman of rank and distinction in the ..."

2. Speeches of John Philpot Curran While at the Bar by John Philpot Curran, James Anson Lawrence Whittier (1872)
"Charles massy, second son of Sir Hugh massy, Bart., was a clergyman, deriving a large income from church livings. In March, 1796, he married, ..."

3. Legal Masterpieces: Specimens of Argumentation and Exposition by Eminent Lawyers by Van Vechten Veeder (1903)
"Charles massy, the plaintiff, was a clergyman, who, in 1796, had married, ... Shortly afterwards, while Mr. massy was engaged in the service of his church, ..."

4. The Revised Reports: Being a Republication of Such Cases in the English by Frederick Pollock, Robert Campbell, Oliver Augustus Saunders, Arthur Beresford Cane, Joseph Gerald Pease, William Bowstead, Great Britain Courts (1905)
"BY indentures of lease and release of the 25th of August, 1787, between Charles massy of Griston, and Anne massy, his wife, of the first part; ..."

5. The Visitation of Cheshire in the Year 1580 by Robert Glover, William Flower, William Fellows, Thomas Benolt, Thomas Chaloner, John Paul Rylands (1882)
"I Wm King of England do give vnto massy all my right interest and title of the hopp and ... Hamon de massy 23 E. 3. Sr John massy 2 R. 2. Sr John massy . ..."

6. American Book Prices Current (1921)
"Narrative of the Sufferings of massy Harbison from Indian Barbarity ... A Narrative of the Sufferings of massy Harbison, from Indian Barbarity. ..."

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